52. Tournament Ceremony (2)

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Erebus was enraged by Tomas' words. How often was young Eri Themis forced on his knees to apologize to these brothers?

"On my knees?" His voice was low and slightly distorted, much like the Phonoi Heart. The ground beneath him was turning darker with each moment with Erebus' shadows. 

Tomas took a step back unconsciously and paled terribly. He tried to call for his fire, but the spark he summoned was quickly snuffed out.

"Am I supposed to shake like a leaf knowing you are a Themis?" Erebus asked condescendingly and huffed a hollow laugh. "A Devil's shit is worth more than your Themis name."

Erebus' smile completely disappeared, and the sinister look he gave was bone-chilling. He took a step forward, causing those facing him to step back.

"You want me to kneel? Who the fuck do you think you are talking to?" 

Arlo shivered and tried to block Tomas from Erebus' gaze but was baffled when Erebus suddenly disappeared. When he heard a screech behind him, he felt his breath catch in his throat. He slowly turned around and found Erebus standing in front of Tomas.

Erebus' hands were completely black, and his fingers had turned to long claws. One hand grasped the face of Tomas and lifted him off the ground. His claws were embedded into his skin, tearing at his temples and cheeks.

His hatred for Tomas was no less than his hatred for the Earl. Tomas was four years older than Eri and always despised Eri's gentle nature. Although both brothers tormented him, Tomas was the one who made him fear his shadow mana—claiming it was evil and he would lose control of it. Selene had tried to console Eri, pointing out its beauty, but Tomas' words haunted him. Finally, Tomas handed him the poison to seal his mana completely. 

"Let him go!" Terran yelled out.

Erebus' glare trailed to Terran. "Kneel."

Arlo shook with rage but didn't dare approach them. "How dare you! This is supposed to be a peaceful ceremony."

"Then perhaps the bitches of Golden Mountain should have thought about that before acting out," Erebus said with a scoff. His eyes never left Terran.

"Kneel," Erebus said louder than before, shaking the hearts of Golden Mountain.

Terran looked nervously as the blood started to drip from Tomas' face. "I apologize. Let him go."

Erebus held Tomas higher, ripping his skin even more, forcing out a pained howl. Erebus seemed to be deaf to the screams and the fresh blood dripping over his hands. 

"Kneel," he demanded once more.

Terran was still standing, but his look of desperation increased. "Please! He is my only brother!"

The temperature dropped considerably. "Oh? Your only brother?" He laughed as he turned back to Tomas. 

He pulled Tomas closer and spoke quietly for only him to hear. "Did you hear that? You are the only brother in Terran's heart. What touching affection you have for each other. Are the feelings mutual? Is he your only brother as well?"

Tomas whimpered and squeaked out a small "Yes."

Erebus laughed strangely, but his voice was still low for just Tomas. "Then where did you place me? Was I ever in your heart, brother?" He spat out the last word like it was a curse.

Tomas shuddered with wide eyes. The blood that was leaking down his face had increased, but he stopped caring about it when realization hit him. "Eri..."

"Now you greet me," Erebus smirked. "Not that it matters. You won't be able to tell anyone about this revelation. The truth of Eri Themis will be trapped in your mind."

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