11. Dark Elves

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Erebus was not used to children wanting to be around him, but now he had a small pack curled around him and tucked beneath his cloak. Before children would be too afraid of his frightening and deformed body, so this was a new experience for him. His discomfort was evident, and he gave Olly a helpless look, making him chuckle.

"I liked your version of the story. I've never heard it before. Everyone tells the same story of how the Demon Sovereign was enraged by the Devil King's evil deeds. So he took up his blade and sliced the head off of the Devil King with one swing, silencing Undanfold."

Erebus laughed. "Kill Aboros with one swing? How fantastic would that be?"

Olly laughed with him. "True. That's why I like your version more. The Demon Sovereign seems so... human."

Erebus smiled, tapering off his laugh. "That's because he was... and humans make many mistakes. The Demon Sovereign was no exception. He trusted the wrong people, judged others incorrectly, and ignorantly harmed the innocent. He was angry, hasty, and rash. The Deities know he suffered greatly for his decisions, and his body bore the consequences... But he also loved and felt grief. He was always human before he became a sovereign.

"But more importantly, he cared for the Shadowbane sect. Although he had his faults, he was passionate about his people and listened to them. The Shadowbane sect steered him in the right direction and made him a true Sovereign. These stories should not portray the Demon Sovereign as the only protagonist. Instead, they should highlight the people supporting him."

Olly looked at him with wide eyes and adoration. "You speak of him like you know him."

Erebus shook his head. "I hardly know myself. How can I know the Demon Sovereign? I only know more stories than others."

"But his feelings for Shadowbane and your passion about being a leader... you speak of it as if you lived it." Olly bit his lip. He couldn't help but feel the overwhelming emotion Erebus portrayed when speaking about Shadowbane and the sect's people.

"Perhaps you can say I relate with the Demon Sovereign and his passion, which has influenced my mindset..." 

Erebus paused momentarily, recalling his time with Shadowbane before continuing his train of thought.

"Do you know what I think of when I say 'leader'? I think of leading—being at the forefront and the vanguard. A leader is the shield before the sword. And to lead, you must trust your back to those who follow you."

Olly was silent for a while before a small whisper escaped. "I think you would be an amazing leader."

Erebus shook his head. "I am a broken shield, so I can only be a sword. I am unworthy to lead."

Olly chuckled in dismay. "May the Deities help all other leaders if you are unqualified."


Back at the Devils' campsite, a group of dark elves were looking at the carnage. The leader was an older male. His silver hair had streaks of white in it, and small wrinkles were at the corner of his black eyes. A circlet crown sat on his forehead as he observed the scene with pursed lips. Like most dark elves, his skin was grey, with black tribal marks tattooed on his neck and shoulders.

He wore all black, and the cloak was pinned with a small ornament of two daggers crossing each other—replicas of the Demon Sovereign's lifelong companions, Gramr, which was adopted as Shadowbane's sigil.

His eyes glanced over to a younger dark elf examining the area with a perplexed look. He looked eerily similar to the older man.

"What do you see, Leo?" The older man asked.

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