42. Trust

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Erebus and the other settled against the rocks, with laughs lingering. A deep voice interrupted them. "Oh? So we have something to laugh about?" 

The group stiffened when they heard the menacing voice, except for Erebus, who still had his eyes closed. He laughed lightly. "Good to see that you can join us, General Halcyon. I suspect it went well."

Halcyon moved in front of him with a smile. "We would have been in trouble without all of your help." 

Erebus shook his head, "You would have seen victory with or without me."

Halcyon patted him gently on the shoulder as the other generals approached their small group. One of the generals looked around and seemed to hesitate. 

"The Shadowbane army..." he started but trailed off. 

Halcyon understood his hesitation. They feared the worst and wondered if the army was in a desperate situation, which was why Erebus and the captains had rushed over to them.

However, Leo grinned. "Victorious," he said happily.

The generals shuddered, and anticipation filled their faces. "Victorious? How?" Halcyon asked.

Leo placed his hand on Erebus' shoulder. "Our Lieutenant General came to lead us against the Devils and brought the Spirit Realm to aid us."

As if on cue, Fenrir materialized next to the Erebus. Halcyon and the generals bowed towards Fenrir respectfully.

"We greet the Guardian King of the Spirit Realm."

Fenrir gave them a curt nod before he turned back to Erebus. He snorted when he saw the exhausted and wounded Erebus. "What the hells did you do now?"

Erebus chuckled and slowly stood up with Leo's help. "I was careless," he said as he opened his eyes.

Amid the battle, everyone concentrated on their opponents and never noticed a change in Erebus. However, they now could see that his silver eyes were more pronounced, like a mirror. They were sharper, as well as if every shred of innocence was stripped away, and all that was left was a sword that was baptized in slaughter. It was a complete change that was caused by the torture of the Phonoi Heart. It made the others tremble inwardly. 

Erebus held up his medallion that still reflected that he was a Lieutenant General. "I apologize for using this title a little longer than expected."

Halcyon chuckled. "What do you mean? It's a permanent title. Especially when we officially have you join the sect."

Erebus was shocked. "But... I..." he stammered.

"You have proven yourself a thousand times over. I hope you will accept this position." Halcyon said resolutely.

Erebus sighed and looked at Leo for help. However, Leo shook his head. "As Shadowbane's Prince, I also hope you accept it."

Erebus let out a helpless sound. "Perhaps we can discuss it on our way back."

They all returned to the Shadowbane army and were greeted with loud cheers. The group was elated because of their first clear victory over the Devils. They wiped out the main forces and can hunt down the remnants.

Although the army wanted to celebrate, they were weary from their battle. Deep into the night, most had fallen asleep. However, Erebus remained awake and sat quietly by the campfire.

He heard footsteps behind him and turned slightly to see the tall Dark Elf approach. "Prince Leo," he greeted. 

Leo sat down next to him with a frown. "Are you always going to address me by that title?"

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