60. The Trail

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Leo was first to wake up and found himself wrapped tightly in Erebus' arms. He nuzzled closer to Erebus, relishing his embrace. He knew he didn't sleep well at first because the nightmares wouldn't stop. Although his presence was unexpected, perhaps Erebus was why he finally found rest. 

Erebus felt Leo's movements and opened his eyes to see the dark elf smiling in his arms. 

"You snuck in," Leo said quietly. 

"Sorry," Erebus' voice was heavy with sleep. He may have apologized, but he made no indication he was letting go of Leo. 

Leo chuckled. "What's the plan for today?"

Erebus sighed, letting reality seep back in. "I wanted to go back to that canyon. If I follow the trail of the procession, I may be able to find more information about the Devils' plan."

Leo tensed but knew this was the original plan. Erebus would wander freely, gathering information and reporting back to them. As much as he wanted to accompany him, he could not leave his people behind. He had a role to serve.

"When are you heading out?" Leo asked. 

"I should have left an hour ago," Erebus said quietly. His fingers brushed up Leo's spine before letting go and pulling away. 

They moved in silence as they washed up and dressed. They exited the tent and found they were still the first to rise. 

"What are you planning today?" Erebus asked, delaying his departure for a moment. 

"I was thinking of heading further south, but I'm hesitant to leave this area too quick in case you find something," Leo said, looking toward the canyon. "I have sensed several Devil camps nearby, so I may raid those instead."

Erebus nodded and summoned Skadi. She appeared like shadows and smoke, ready for a new adventure. Erebus naturally swung a leg over her back and looked down at Leo, feeling reluctant to part. "I'll be back before nighttime." 

It was a small promise, but they hoped it held back the nightmares for both of them. 

Leo gently squeezed his leg. "Just focus on being safe."

Erebus nodded, and with a click of his tongue, he took off.

Erebus and Skadi traveled on the canyon floor, keeping a close eye on the trail left by the procession. The Devils did not seem to think that anyone would follow this route.

Erebus would look behind him from time to time. In the distance, he could make out Kurat Hall, where Aboros' throne once was. It was probably where the procession was headed.

"Undanfold has changed." He said quietly to himself. "Everyone calls it a cursed land, and perhaps they are correct. Long ago, the ground was covered in crimson grass to match the red skies. Tall trees would thrive and reach toward the heavens. Clear water would fill these canyons and chasms. Fish you will never see in any other realm would swim freely, slicing through the waters, and unique birds danced above. This place used to be filled with life, but now, there seems to be nothing."

He sighed a little as he looked at the tracks ahead of him. "I never enjoyed Undanfold, but I can't help but feel sorrowful for the land."

He jumped off Skadi and examined the tracks that were becoming more faded. He reached down and ran his fingers through the dirt. "There is something foul in the air and the earth. It's not exactly cursed but corrupted. Dangerous and evil magic has embedded itself into the very energy of Undanfold."

Erebus and Skadi continued tracking where the Devils came from. The day extended, and he moved through the night, only resting a couple of hours before he took off again. However, the tracks were faint and became nonexistent after a few days. The canyon also had split into numerous paths, so he had to backtrack a few times.

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