46. Blood Debts and Grudges

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When Erebus and Leo left, Olivia huffed with agitation. "I will let my disciple catch up with her family. I fear we have overstayed our welcome and will take our leave. We will contact you with information regarding the tournament shortly."

She left, leaving Astra behind. Arlo and the Themis brothers followed her out without sparing a word to Leonis.

Allan from the High Serpent remained behind for a moment. "Today was much more enjoyable than I expected," he said to Leonis without hiding his smile. "I have always felt some respect towards Shadowbane. After meeting your Lieutenant General, my opinion is shifting slightly, and my respect is growing."

He bowed to Leonis and left with the others.

Leonis laughed heartily. "Servers, enough of this wine. Bring out the ale! We are celebrating another victory!"

The Shadowbane members roared with cheers. This was indeed a new victory. They never have seen the other sects be driven out so brilliantly. Their Lieutenant General was like a savior to them.

Leonis looked toward the terrace where Erebus and Leo were headed. He was about to follow them, but Astra gently grabbed his arm.

"You should leave them be, Father," she coaxed.

Leonis was surprised by her words. "I should check on Erebus, though. He was upset about something."

Astra bit her lip and looked away. "I know," she whispered.

Leonis shook. Astra had been afflicted with power no one understood since her childhood. She could tune into a person's thoughts. She could hear their mind's words or even see their thoughts if agitated.

"You saw something?" Leonis asked.

"Snippets of things. They didn't make a lot of sense," she said vaguely.

She hated that she could peek into someone's innermost thoughts and refused to share what she had seen with anyone. Leonis had always respected this.

"Will he be alright?"

She smiled. "Leo will ensure it."

Leonis sighed but relented. "Then I'll leave them be."

When he was about to walk away, Astra stopped him again. She had seen the fragments of Erebus' memories when the Themis brothers tormented Eri. She understood they had some connection, but it was not harmonious. She worried the sect would judge him unfairly if the sect discovered it.

"Father, I won't tell you any details, but just know that the Lieutenant General has suffered in the past... and he deserves your trust."

Leonis was curious about her words but knew she was being generous compared to usual, meaning she may have seen something terrible.

"Okay. I'll remember what you told me well," he said softly.

Outside on the terrace, Erebus was leaning heavily on the railing. His eyes were absentmindedly focused on the blood-red sky.

"Erebus?" Leo called out tentatively.

Erebus tore his gaze away from the sky and focused on Leo. "Have I caused unnecessary trouble?" He asked with a raspy voice.

Leo shook his head. "There's no need to think too deeply about it. Everyone inside is probably drunk off the satisfaction of your words."

Erebus lowered his gaze and sighed. "I usually could control my emotions better."

"You have a history with the Themis family, don't you," Leo said quietly.

Erebus stiffened. For the first time in a long time, he was frightened. Would his blood relation cause a rift between him and his sect? How would it affect his newfound friendship with Leo?

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