67. Hive Battle (2)

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The flame danced around Erebus, and the shadows accompanied it in perfect tandem. Fire and darkness bled together in harmony when Erebus wielded it.

He slashed his sword towards the Devil, who had to retreat several steps. But the blood was pooling around him, causing him to slip. Erebus took advantage of this and thrust his sword; his form was flawless. During his many years practicing and creating his sword art, he conditioned his soul, allowing him to pick it up again.

Erebus felt his sword pierce into the chest of the Devil and watched the flames devour his body. The Devil tried to scream, but the fire erupted and choked him. He fell to the ground with a spasming body.

Erebus looked at the remaining Devils. He smiled and turned towards the shrinking fire in his hand. "I think we both only have one more attack in us," he said affectionately.

He lifted his hand, and the flame sword split into knives. "Duck!" He yelled out.

His Shadowbane counterparts did not question him and dropped to the ground. The knives all flew out and lodged into the remaining Devils. Shadowbane did not hesitate and finished them off.

After the last Devil fell, they stood silently to observe the aftermath. Their eyes scanned the bloodied area, but all landed on Erebus, still holding onto a weak fire.

Erebus held the fire up. "It's time for you to return to the Aether again."

The flame wrapped around his arm as if protesting that it had to return. Erebus chuckled. "You need to replenish and then be reforged to assist a new cultivator. Be reborn and become a raging inferno to help me wipe out my enemies once and for all."

The fire stilled when it heard Erebus' request. It suddenly danced around him and then disappeared. The core he held in his hand turned from red to grey. It cracked and fell apart; however, before it touched the ground, the pieces turned into ash and floated away in the dry wind.

Erebus observed his soldiers and was grateful to see that everyone was still alive, but their injuries were extensive. However, some were well enough to start collecting the cores of the fallen Devils.

"We can get those later," Erebus said, his voice raspy and taxed. "We should all rest for now."

One of the people collecting cores saluted Erebus. "Our injuries are not too bad. We can collect and destroy the Hive while you and the others recover."

Erebus nodded. "Take the cores, but hold off on destroying the Hive. We must heal our injuries and improve our condition if the Devils are lured here."

The soldiers acknowledged his orders and moved to execute them. However, Erebus remained still. His vision blurred either from exhaustion or the pain that was ripping through him. One side of him felt like it was in an unquenchable fire, while the other half was in extreme cold. He didn't have to look at his wounds to know that they were severe. He couldn't even find the strength to lift his hands.

He took a deep breath to steel his heart and finally looked down. His left arm, which tried to block the Devil's blow, was mangled and lacerated. Blood was still seeping from where his skin split, and it did not seem like it would stop soon. The other arm was blackened, and his palm had layers of skin burnt away because of the mana core. His shirt was already soaked with sweat and blood because his wounds from Lychgate's claws had reopened. 

He groaned a little. "Leo," he weakly called out.

Leo was already next to him and supported him around his waist. Leo looked at his damaged arms and sighed.

Erebus knew Leo was exasperated with him. However, instead of admonishing him, Leo helped Erebus return to the campsite with the injured soldiers. When they arrived at the campsite, they found strangers had gathered around Claus and Rhys. Erebus cursed because he couldn't find the strength to enter a new battle. He was about to call upon Fenrir when Claus ran up to him.

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