12. Swiftmoore

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Erebus staggered a little when he broke the communication with the elves.  Using shadows to see, hear, and communicate at that distance was straining at his current cultivation level.  If they were just a little further away, he would have never been able to connect or even feel the Illusion technique.

He also took on the burden of breaking the connection on behalf of the Oracle, which was a painful feat. He swallowed the blood rising in his throat and paled considerably.

However, he was relieved knowing that the ones who discovered his trail first were not enemies.  When he first realized their cultivation levels, he shuddered.  And when he saw that overwhelming shadow, he lost all confidence.  He only hoped to destroy the Oracle and escape, praying it would deter the potential threat.

Seeing Gramr gave him hope, but hearing the name Pulsar made him realize they were from Shadowbane. In the end, he was lucky.  He let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck.

One of the kids pulled on his sleeve. "Big brother? Are you sick?" This caused them to all stare at him with wide and tearful eyes.

"No need to be concerned.  I was passing along a message, but it took some mana."  He tried to explain while calming the kids.

Olly also looked concerned, but Erebus patted him on the shoulder.  "You mentioned the prince who will inherit the throne and the Sect Leader role,"  Erebus started quietly.

Olly straightened a little.  "Prince Leo Pulsar?"

"That's right. Prince Leo... He is admirable." Erebus murmured with a smile pulling at his lips.

"What do you mean?"

"Shadowbane sect members are nearby, so I feel more at ease,"  Erebus told him.  "Still, we should hurry to Swiftmoore.  There are not too many, but mutated beasts still roam these lands."

He helped the kids into the cart and jumped on his horse as they started on the last leg of their journey. Erebus pulled his hood up and the mask over his face to prepare for their arrival.

As the red sky was darkening, they reached the city gates.  Erebus could not help but look at the sheer size with amazement.  When did humanity erect such a fortified city in the middle of Undanfold? It was a fortress. He could also feel the many fluctuations of life inside the city, proving that this realm was no longer a desolate land of sinners. It was thriving.

When they approached the gates, Erebus observed several guards were of different races.  He wondered if harmony had been built between the realms after all these years, and perhaps the only strife that remained was between sects.

"Entry pass?"  One of the guards asked.

Olly held out a tablet with his name and position within the Bane Organization.

"What about the others?"  The guard barked.

"The kids are under my and Bane's care.  This one is a hunter and will be registering for his pass."  Olly explained.

The guard gave him a wary look.  "Then why is he wearing Devil clothing."

Erebus chuckled.  "The dead don't need it."

The guard jumped back.  "Can you prove you're a hunter?"

Erebus nodded and tossed a heavy bag to the guard.  He caught it with a look of disdain, thinking that Erebus was trying to buy his way in.  But when he looked in the bag, he saw it was filled with Devil cores.

"Hells!" He stumbled back and fell.  The other guards quickly came over to see what the commotion was.  But the guard could only point at the bag when they tried to ask what happened.  The others looked into it and reacted similarly while staring at Erebus with a look of horror and awe.  A monster appeared at their gates.

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