56. Core Tournament

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Leo held on to Erebus' waist on Skadi's back as she tore through the barren fields of Undanfold. Both men had become wary of their surroundings, naturally falling into the roles of hunters. 

Erebus had focused his energy on determining the location and movement of each captain based on the mana he placed on their Shadowbane medallions. They were moving according to his directions, all heading south. As he was concentrating on their movements, he felt something dangerous approaching him quickly.

He pulled out his dagger and swung out, blocking a gold-tipped arrow. His eyes flashed towards the direction it came from and saw several shadows in the distance. He sneered. "Someone wants to die early."

"Circle around and take their flank," Erebus told Leo before he disappeared from Skadi's back.

He moved with the shadows, completely unseen by his pursuers. They started to panic when they saw him disappear and decided to retreat. But when they turned around, they saw Erebus standing before them.

He was still in his black long-sleeved shirt and pants, but now he had a black mask covering the lower half of his face. A pair of fangs were stitched on the front, giving him a demonic look.

"Trying to leave so soon?" He asked. His voice was cold and grated on their ears. They knew that he was not going to be merciful towards them.

"W...we're of G...Golden Mountain. Y... you can't h...harm us!" One stuttered.

Erebus laughed, making them tremble. "Harm? Golden Mountain members think so highly of themselves but fear too easily. But breathe easy. I'm not going to harm you."

They all felt the tension leave their body and sighed with relief. They believed their sect name saved their lives and thanked their fortune for having a powerful backer. But as they inwardly celebrated, an inexplicable killing intent washed over them.

Suddenly, the one who declared their sect fell to the ground, his head separated from his body, and rolled on the ground towards the feet of the other Golden Mountain members. They turned pale, and if they were not frozen, they tried to run away but tripped over their feet.

"The moment you stepped out into the wilderness of Undanfold, you have stepped into war. Your sect leaders had lauded that this tournament was supposed to be a peaceful sect competition. Because you raise your hand against Shadowbane, I can only conclude that you fight for the Devils." Erebus said lightly, his blade glistening under the red sky.

The sect members of Golden Mountain couldn't help but stare at the blade and notice that there wasn't a drop of blood. This proved that Erebus had experience taking lives swiftly and cleanly.

"W...We're not with the Devils. It was a m...mistake!"

Erebus scoffed. "I am a man who is quick to anger, but I will never make the first move... You turned your blade on me and revealed your killing intent first, so now you must pay with your life."

"You said you wouldn't harm us!"

Erebus tilted his head and looked at the headless body at his feet. "I won't be harming you. I'll be killing you."

His movements were so fast that he left afterimages, but the result was the same. Five men hunted him, and now, five headless bodies lay before him.

He noticed the movement of at least five more soldiers running away. He was about to chase them down, but Leo's figure appeared from the shadows, and he cut them down with his sword. He flashed Erebus a smile, and Shadow Stepped next to him.

They both examined the corpses, and Erebus sighed dejectedly. In his previous life, the sects were divided much like this. However, these children were naive and believed they could achieve greatness and prestige by playing underhanded games. He had gained his position and fame because of the countless wars he fought. These games were annoying, but could never take his life.

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