38. Phonoi World (2)

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His legacy...

Hearing the heart-wrenching words from the Phonoi Heart made Erebus let out a sound that was a mix between a sob and a yell. He tossed the body of Kore away from him. He looked down at his hands and saw them covered in blood. He stiffened and tried to wipe them off on his pants, but the blood never left him and only became thicker.

Then, the blood rose from the ground like a bubbling river and suddenly submerged him. The bodies were gone, washed away by the torrential flood of blood, and all he saw was red. He struggled against it, trying to swim out of it, but his limbs became heavy, and he sank deeper.

When he could no longer move his arms, a light emerged from the depths of the blood sea. It pulled him forward, and soon, he could see a city come into view. As he drew nearer, he could see people flocking the city streets in jubilation. They celebrated by throwing flowers on the roads and sang songs of triumph. 

They all gathered in the city's center, and the flowers they once carried became torches. A straw dummy tied to a post was in the middle of the crowd. They yelled obscenities and hissed at the figure.

Erebus' heart stuttered as he saw the dummy dressed in a black cape and donned a mask resembling the Demon Sovereign. The crowd tossed their torches at the feet of the dummy and cheered as the flames erupted and consumed it.

"Your death was celebrated, Demon Sovereign. Your sacrifice to protect them from the Titans was never known, acknowledged, or honored. Not that it would matter. These people are mere sheep who choose to be controlled by the Titans."

The scene changed again to someone in a smithy making an iron sigil. Two crossed daggers were etched into obsidian metal resembling his Gramr. Many people started to wear the badges out in the open. But then the scene swirled, revealing a man lurking in the shadows wearing the Gramr sigil. He stopped in an alleyway and met with a hooded figure. The first person handed over two blades to the latter and accepted a large pouch in return. His Gramr knives were sold in the back of a dirty alleyway.

Then he saw a group of intoxicated Shadowbane members arguing with others and showing a disgraceful display of power in a bar fight. Then, sect buildings were erected in numerous cities. Gold was exchanged and slipped into members' pockets wearing the Gramr medallion. Finally, he saw the Shadowbane leaders shaking hands with Jericho.

"The ones who were supposed to remember you failed to do so. They even forgot why you fought. The Demon Sovereign is just a name, a vague legacy they cling to as if it is some badge of honor."

Erebus was trembling, especially when he saw them shaking hands with Jericho. "You're right..." He whispered. "My wars, my enemies, my vengeance... even my death amounts to nothing."

"So why show them mercy?" He asked again. 

"Not everyone deserves to die," Erebus whispered, desperately recalling the people who showed him kindness. 

"Mercy has a price, Demon Sovereign... one you cannot afford. Root them out. Scrape them off. Cut them down. Don't give them another opportunity to harm you."

"Then I would be living in fear under the guise of protecting myself," Erebus said with a weak sigh. 

"Fool. Even that woman said to 'close your heart off and thrust your blade unhesitatingly.' Close it, Demon Sovereign. Make the world tremble at the mention of your name. Riddle the air with your bloodlust. Haunt the realms. Make them fear the dark. Become their nightmares."

Erebus was silent for a long time as he watched the scenes replay over and over. "And then what?"

"Then the world is yours."

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