25. The Lieutenant General

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Shadowbane had many units spread across the realms, including the troublesome Undanfold. They used the same method as the Bane Organization to transmit simple messages, especially when announcing important sect changes such as the hierarchy. 

The sect members would be alerted when their medallions pulse with energy. The message will appear on the smooth stone once the cultivator activates the medallion with their shadow mana. It was a crude method but effective.

Now, everyone was looking at a sphere that showed the same thing :

Halcyon Reagar
General of the Demon Unit

Erebus the Demon
Lieutenant General of the Demon Unit

Nash laughed and nudged Comet. "Holy hells. We all lost our bet. You were given a position before we even returned to Swiftmoore."

Erebus shook his head. "This is a temporary measure due to circumstance. I will be taking the lead on a rescue mission. Those who are able, I ask that you follow me."

He didn't demand or threaten, but his voice was steady and powerful. Those who did not know him felt he had been leading armies for years. And the few who did know him understood that following him was the best decision.

Claire was the first to approach, bowing respectfully and showing that she acknowledged his ranking. "Captain Claire of the 3rd Shadow Guard will follow you, Lieutenant General."

Nash bowed as well. "Captain Nash of the Piercing Unit will follow you."

"Captain Comet of the Dark Claw Unit will join you." He bowed as well.

Heath struggled because of a wound on his side. "Captain Heath of the Demon Unit will follow my Lieutenant General."

Soon, warriors from the sect, both from the initial expedition and those just visiting Gladson, were all bowing toward Erebus. They may not have known who he was, but they trusted Halcyon and the powerful aura surrounding Erebus.

Erebus was able to borrow a conference room in the Shadowbane building and led the group to a meeting. He counted the people joining them and was surprised that their numbers nearly doubled.

A few people were slightly suspicious of Erebus and his skills, deciding to join the group just to evaluate him. But they were surprised by the Swiftmoore branch and captains' reverence for this new Lieutenant General. They stood at attention, accepting this unprecedented promotion. No questions or doubts appeared in their eyes.

"What is discussed here will not leave this room. If this information is leaked, I cripple your core, remove your loose tongue, rip off your limbs, and destroy your ears and eyes. You will live in silent darkness, unable to move your traitorous carcass for the rest of your life. This will be my only warning." Erebus exuded his killing intent as he said this.

Not even the captains expected such a strict threat but respected it. They were the first to salute, and the others followed. They answered together. "Understood, Lieutenant General."

Erebus pulled out the map he took from the Devils' campsite and pinned it to the wall.

"As you may have seen with the recent Red Seal Mission, we have discovered that the Devils are taking individuals from all races and species." He used his Shadow Mana to create black spots that were shown to him and Halcyon.

"However, the Devils are not only taking humans but have somehow infiltrated the Spirit Realm and have been taking creatures from there. We suspected that they had imprisoned creatures who specialized in teleportation. I was charged to catch up with the group that left Swiftmoore with Prince Leo and alert them of this suspension. However, I was a step too late.

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