74. Throne Room

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The campsite started to wake around Erebus and Leo. They returned to a less intimate position and sipped their tea.

The soldiers remembered Erebus' words about leaving and started to break down their campsite. Golden Mountain was woken up by the movement and watched them in confusion. They observed Shadowbane drink heavily the night before, but they could wake as if they had the best rest. Little did they know that they were conditioned to this lifestyle.

Erebus sighed a little, knowing the time to depart had finally come. Leo gave him an encouraging smile and stood up. "Remember your promise," he said as he walked to check on his soldiers.

Erebus chuckled and stretched his waist before standing up, too. He walked over to the groggy Golden Mountain members. They all stepped back a little when he approached. "We're leaving. You can use this campsite if necessary, but I recommend leaving as soon as possible. This was an important area for the Devils, and now that we have destroyed it, they will be coming to investigate."

Boris gritted his teeth. "Bastard." He growled.

Erebus laughed lightly. "It was only a suggestion. Do what you like."

"Where are you going next?" Boris asked, piquing the interest of the other Golden Mountain group.

Erebus, who was walking away, paused and looked behind him. "That's none of your concern. But I recommend you all head North. If you cannot handle one measly Devil camp hunting you, you cannot fathom the war we are about to face."

"You seem to know a bit about the Devils. Do you know why a group is hunting down Golden Mountain?" Boris asked with seething anger.

Erebus gave him a bone-chilling grin. "Perhaps you should ask the Themis brothers."

Boris reached out and grabbed Erebus by the collar. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? Do you know how many of our people have been injured or died?"

The Shadowbane sect pulled out the weapons and filled the air with cold killing intent.

"Did you think that Undanfold is a game? If you enter here carelessly or thoughtlessly, you will die. If you decide to use underhanded moves against a stronger enemy, you will face the repercussions. So, if you don't want to lose your life, get stronger." Erebus sneered.

Boris roared in Erebus' face. "Did you instigate this?"

Erebus moved in a flash, swiping Boris' legs from under him and making him fall on his back. Erebus pinned him on his back and clamped his hand on Boris' throat. "If Golden Mountain sends me another assassin, then a small Devil camp will be the least of your worries. I will eliminate Golden Mountain myself."

He stepped away from Boris, leaving him coughing and gasping for air.

Erebus turned his gaze to the other members, making them shudder. "You will only get one warning. I suggest you leave now."

They had watched how he tortured the Devil and had no doubts that he would hunt them down.

Erebus watched with an impassive look as they packed up in haste, tripping over themselves as they ran in the opposite direction of Shadowbane's destination. Erebus sighed a little, calming the anger that welled inside of him. He didn't mind that they sent assassins, but he hated that they did so when he was with Leo.

Leo and Nash approached him, and Nash patted his shoulder. "How did you get the Devils to chase them?"

"We killed their assassins," Erebus said as he nodded to Leo, "And we may have dumped some Devil horns around the bodies. The horns are sacred, so the Devils understandably became angry and hunted any person who had a connection to the Golden Mountain medallion on their clothes." 

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