Extra: Five Years Later

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New Azor was a grand city built upon the rocky heights of a fjord. Although it was an ancient city, it was a place to celebrate modernization rather than tradition. Most areas of cultural significance were destroyed and replaced with buildings built with white and tan bricks. Clear windows decorated the walls with light wooden shutters. Lush gardens offset the monotonous light colors with deep greens and vibrant flowers. The buildings were tall but did not obscure the blue sky. 

Unlike Undandfold, each road was paved with cobblestone and marble, making traveling by carriages easier. Street lamps lined the street so the citizens could venture out at night without fear of the darkness. 

This was a place of riches and glimmered on top of the fjord's rocks. However, to keep with its clean appearance, the citizens were heavily taxed so only the wealthy could remain. They would banished if they could not afford the taxes. Therefore, the tall white walls surrounding the city kept out anyone they considered undeserving. New Azor was plentiful, but outside the walls, the reality of the decrepit was evident. Poverty was rampant, but New Azor was blind to it.

Built over the fjord in the city's northern area was the grand palace. The white marble walls and gilded gold accents reflected off the water's surface. Dragons carved from stone surrounded the palace like fences, warding off unwanted visitors. Crystal lights lined the walls, abolishing the shadows and becoming a beacon for the people. 

No one could approach the palace unless summoned, so the citizens could only look at it from afar. 

In the northern corner, closer to the palace, were the sprawling mansions of the aristocrats. They each owned a vast amount of land following the fjord's cliffside until it reached the ocean. The area was gated off from regular foot traffic, leaving that area a mystery, much like the palace.

In the center of New Azor was a large plaza of stark white stone. Large fountains were erected in the area, and children would often come to play in the water. Small vendors would gather in the area, selling trinkets, flowers, and treats. Surrounding the plaza were restaurants and luxury businesses, with balconies and windows overlooking the area.

In the center of the plaza was the portal to Undanfold, which was heavily guarded.

The city was bustling, and a buzzing of murmurings through the streets was almost as loud as thunder. The citizens of Halrland's capital were restless. Rumors say that the Shadowbane army in Undanfold is returning to New Azor. Usually, this would not warrant such unrest, but amongst returning soldiers was the Dark Elven prince and the Lieutenant General, Erebus. 

Tartus Themis sat at a table on a secluded balcony overlooking the plaza. Although he seemed calm while sipping a cup of tea, anger was simmering in his eyes. Another aristocrat, Oz Hagan, sat with him. A lazy smile was on his face as he swirled the cup of tea in his hand. 

"So, do you know if it's true?" Oz asked with a grin. 

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play coy. You're an Earl and have more contacts than I do. Is it true Shadowbane's Lieutenant General is coming to New Azor?"

Tartus glared at Oz. "You mean General, do you not?"

Oz raised an eyebrow with genuine surprise. "General? Isn't he a 25-year-old boy?"

"Indeed, he is."

"Is Shadowbane so desperate they choose a child to lead an army?"

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