70. Burning the Heavens

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Erebus still held Leo in his arms, sharing quiet words. Leo sighed contently and took another look around the room. Although the Devils had rushed out of the Hive to fight them, many things remained intact, including the crystal lights glowing in the corners of the chamber.

Leo took a step back from Erebus and examined the room. There were plenty of discarded weapons, training equipment, and sparring mats.

"I never expected the Devils to have training halls like this," Leo said.

"Devils have evolved," Erebus murmured. "I believe the ones we will encounter from now on will be challenging."

A trace of worry lingered in Leo's eyes. "This last battle I fought was challenging. I have strength and control over my mana but still had trouble keeping up."

"Are you assuming it's your sword technique?"

Leo nodded but was still hesitant. "My family's technique is ancient and enriched in the shadows... but something is lacking. I've been feeling it more frequently... Something is pushing me to learn something different to evolve like our enemies."

Erebus recalled the feeling that pulled him to Shadowbane. He didn't know if the shadows, deities, or Aether were pulling him to the sect, but he knew better than to disobey it.

Leo sighed heavily, almost resigned. "You said you had created your own technique. Maybe you can help find a way to strengthen mine?"

Erebus had seen the Pulsar's sword art, and it was extraordinary. However, it was a technique that had been fine-tuned to perfection. He couldn't think of a way to improve it further. More importantly, he could tell that it was not meant for Leo. He had the ability and talent to do something different—something to help him grow further.

It may have been selfish, but he wanted Leo to use his technique. He has spent a century creating it and could tailor it for him. He could already imagine Leo dancing to the steps he had tediously designed—waltzing amongst the shadows and blood. It was a beautiful sight, and it made his heart bloom.

Would a prince be allowed to learn a technique outside of his family's arts?

He pulled Leo back into his arms and nuzzled his face in the crook of his neck. "Would it be treasonous to offer to teach you my technique?"

Leo recalled Erebus' fight with the sword flame and shivered from the memory. "You would teach me?"

"Yes, but learning this comes with risks," Erebus explained. "It was created for fire mana, so we will have to change aspects of it."

"Recreate it?"

Erebus smiled. "Evolve it. Shadow mana is flexible, so we can do this easily together."

Leo's smile brightened the room, and he nodded. "Yes. I want to do this with you. I'll use the Devils as sparring partners and master it by the time we leave Undanfold."

Erebus grabbed Leo's hand and pulled him to the center of the room, helping him sit in a lotus position.

"This technique was my masterpiece and was known throughout the realm," Erebus said wistfully. "Jericho had begged me to learn it, but he would never be able to do it justice, so I developed a simpler technique for him."

Leo chuckled. "You think I can learn it when the great Emperor couldn't?"

His technique, Burning the Heavens, was a complex dance that required natural genius. Although he was talented, Jericho could never dream of learning it. However, Leo had shown unparalleled finesse in his sword strikes. He could master it and develop it into something that surpassed the original.

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