Extra: Celebrating [M]

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•••••• 🌶 Warning: Mature Themes Ahead 🌶 ••••••

I wanted to drop a small gift to those who may enjoy these scenes. Okay... this was also for me because these two together just make my heart happy.

This will have no plot points and can be skipped.


When Shadowbane left the other sects behind, they celebrated within their headquarters. The captains were drinking heavily and continued to toast Erebus and Leo. They regaled the stories of their battles to those who did not attend.

They were rowdy, but their merriment was welcomed. They had been battling the Devils for a long time, and they finally had a moment to rest before heading out again.

As the sect celebrated, Leo and Erebus disappeared. Leo held Erebus' hand as they ran through the shadows until they reached his room. When Erebus unlocked the door, Leo pushed him inside, kicking the door closed. He used his mana to ensure the door was locked. 

"What are you—" Erebus asked, but his words fell silent when Leo pressed against him. 

Leo gave him a sultry smile and draped his arms over Erebus' shoulders. His fingers deftly removed the leather band in Erebus' hair, letting it fall free. He placed a couple of kisses up Erebus' neck. 

Erebus inhaled sharply. "Hells, Leo," he groaned and wrapped his arms around Leo's narrow waist. 

"I've suffered for too long," Leo murmured. "We were trapped on the frontline; all I could have were stolen kisses."

Erebus trembled as Leo's lips brushed against his skin. "I haven't..." Erebus hesitated. "I haven't been with another for a very long time."

Leo pulled back with an understanding smile. "We don't have to do anything more than this, Erebus. If it is you, I am content."

Erebus' eyes darkened as he gazed down at his lover. He pulled him back closer and captured his lips. He was unfamiliar with intimacy but wanted nothing more than to please Leo.

Leo moaned against him. Erebus deepened their kiss, licking against the seam of Leo's lips until he opened to his intrusion. His tongue tasted and savored Leo like he was a delicacy. His hands slipped under Leo's shirt, and his fingers brushed against his skin. He could feel Leo harden against him, which had his body respond in kind. 

Leo broke the kiss, panting with glazed eyes. "Hells," he murmured. 

Erebus chuckled as he peppered kisses down Leo's jaw and neck. "You are perfection, Leo, and I crave you. The way you feel. The sounds you make. The way you taste."

Leo shivered, and his back arched as Erebus' lips pressed against his collarbone. He sucked on the skin, and when he pulled away, he smiled to see the skin had bruised.

His hands caught the hem of Leo's shirt. "May I?" He asked.

Leo grinned. "You have my permission to do anything to me."

Erebus groaned and rested his head against Leo's shoulder. "Do not tempt me, Leo. I find myself greedy when you are involved. I could devour you if I could."

"I wouldn't stop you," Leo whispered. 

Erebus trembled, fighting against the need to ravage Leo. His hands grasped Leo's shirt, and he pulled it roughly, ripping it off Leo. 

Leo blinked in confusion, but then a laugh escaped him. "I was rather fond of that shirt," he said with delight in his eyes. However, he gasped when he saw the palpable desire radiating off Erebus.

Return of the Demon Sovereign (Book 1) [MxM]Where stories live. Discover now