17. Tracking

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Erebus clung tightly to his horse as he rode over the red-stained land toward the direction of the coordinates on his map. Due to the hidden lineage of his horse, he could travel faster and farther than a typical steed. It wasn't until the sky turned dark red that he finally stopped to let the horse rest.

He sat in the darkness, chewing on the rations he had left over from before. He left before he could replenish his food, but he still had some Nox Fruit if he was desperate. He figured he could make it to the next city without issues or find some Devil sentries to plunder their belongings.

Instead of sleeping, he meditated, feeling the line between the 3rd and 4th levels wavering. He needed as much strength as possible to complete this Red Seal Mission.

He had already traveled down the road of cultivation, so he only needed to meditate for a couple of hours to step fully into the 4th level. It was also just enough time to let his horse recover, and they took off again. 

It took about half the time predicted to reach the coordinates. Erebus jumped down from the horse and examined the runes from the teleport circle that transferred the group of people. He studied the tracks and found they led north, luckily toward the next city.

He drew several runes and removed the traces of the teleportation circle and any mana left over. He needed to meet up with the group but wanted to protect them from behind. He would work on eliminating their tracks so they could travel with ease.

He didn't have to stop long and could quickly follow the tracks. He circulated his mana and focused on the surrounding area, checking for any changes or anything suspicious.

He frowned when he noticed that the tracks started to veer off course, away from the city. He paused and decided to look around. He examined the surrounding area and faltered when he found additional tracks. His brow furrowed as he inhaled sharply when he realized Devils had already found Leo's party.

He first believed that perhaps the Devils were hunting Leo's party, but he tensed when he examined further. They weren't hunting—they were herding. The question was to where.

His eyes moved from the city he saw in the distance and the tracks of Leo. He debated whether he should use half a day to report back to Halcyon or continue to follow Leo.

Could he make up half a day easily? He looked at his Aether Horse and sighed. The more he spent with the horse, the more he inadvertently unlocked the horse's lineage. She started to gain more intelligence and strength, which was why he could travel so quickly. If he unlocked a little more, he could make up for the half the day he would delay.

He hesitated momentarily but placed his hand on the horse's broad chest. "This will hurt, but I need your help." He warned.

The horse looked at him with somewhat intelligent eyes, still unsure what would happen.

He circulated his mana and pushed the shadows into the horse's veins and blood. The horse let out a pained noise that pierced into the surroundings. He knew awakening its bloodline would be painful and hoped the horse would be strong enough to handle it.

Once he poured enough mana into the horse, he helped it move through its body, enhancing the Aether blood. A couple of hours passed, and Erebus could see the changes already taking place. His horse was taller and leaner. Her coat went from a dull color to a deep and all-encompassing black. Her mane and tail were like strands of silk thread, while the ends transitioned into black smoke that fluttered and floated like the wind was blowing through it.

The horse no longer looked in pain and stood still to ensure she did not impede Erebus' process. She now realized that Erebus was helping her become stronger. However, her muscles were trembling fiercely.

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