49. Awakening (2)

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Erebus walked silently toward Leo but frowned as he approached him. Leo was a beautiful elf—perfectly combining strength and elegance. However, as Leo sat on the steps with his eyes closed, Erebus realized he was in poor condition.

Leo was usually sensitive, but he didn't notice Erebus' approach. His long eyelashes trembled a little as his lips silently moved. Erebus' brow creased with worry as he examined Leo from a distance. His skin was pale, and deep shadows were under his eyes. His cheeks had hollowed, and his forehead was covered in sweat.

He wanted to wake him from his prayers but stopped himself. Instead, he climbed up the altar and sat at the feet of the Shadow Deity statue. In the Nothingness, the Shadow Deity would visit him at times, and he would find himself leaning against the Shadow Deity much like this.

He watched Leo, but he did not open his eyes after an hour.  His physical condition seemed to be deteriorating even more than before. Leo swayed a little, and Erebus decided he would not allow him to harm himself more. He rushed over and picked up Leo in his arms. He was immediately distressed. Leo's lithe body was even thinner than before.

Leo's eyes trembled open, and he smiled. "It's about time," he murmured.

"I made you wait again," Erebus said with a rueful smile. "Sleep a little. I'll be here when you wake up."

Leo numbly nodded and closed his eyes again. His stress and nervousness were washed away and were replaced with exhaustion.

Erebus Shadow Stepped through the walls, ignoring the halls and other people. He found his room and used his key to open the door, finding himself in a spacious room.

The walls were covered with bookshelves and maps.  A large bed was on one side, while a large sitting area with couches and a fireplace was on the other.  There was also a desk with piles of reports waiting for his review.  The room was extremely practical for someone like him.

He took Leo to the bed and gently laid him down.  He removed the cloak from his shoulders and laid it on him.  He seemed to have relaxed. Erebus felt a breath in his chest release that he had been holding this whole time.

After confirming Leo was fine, he went to the bathroom and was pleased to see a shower.  He turned the water on so hot that the room steamed up.  He stood under the water for a long time.  He felt the grime and dried blood wash away under the hot water.  The water was dyed red and black and pooled at his feet.

After the water ran clear, he stopped the shower and stepped out.  He lazily dried himself before wrapping loose-fitting pants on his hips and slipped on a black robe that hung open.  He checked on Leo again but was satisfied to see him still sleeping.  He sat at the desk with his legs propped up and started to leaf through the reports.

The reports were highly detailed and discussed the Devils' movements, indicating a possible nest in the Southwest.  But the reports didn't just mention the Devils but detailed the movements of other sects for the last two weeks.  They have invited nearly one hundred of their youth to participate in this tournament.

Erebus sighed with disappointment because they were handling this as a game, but the reports about the Devils showed they still had significant forces.  The war was just beginning, and these sects were sending children to their deaths.

He tossed the reports down on the desk and sat upright.  He started to draft his document, predicting the Devils' movements and how it could affect the tournament.  He didn't like the other sects, but he didn't want to deal with needless slaughter.

He worked on the reports until his crystal light had dimmed considerably.  After a while, he rubbed his eyes and set down his pen.

"Guard," he called quietly, knowing someone was waiting in the hall for him.

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