55. The Heart (3)

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In an isolated space in the shadows, the Shadow Deity approached Leo, who was silently watching Erebus. He had followed Erebus to the temple but was pulled into an isolated space he couldn't escape. 

He couldn't hear their conversation but was forced to watch Erebus' despair. He was surprised when the Shadow Deity hit Erebus, making him fall unconscious. But then he fought desperately against the magic that bound him when Erebus struggled in his sleep. Tears of blood trailed down Erebus' face, and he seemed to be lost in desolation. 

Leo glared at the Shadow Deity when he entered the space with him. The Shadow Deity tried to comfort Leo by patting him on the shoulder, but he slapped his hand away. He didn't care if he was a Deity. 

The Shadow Deity looked at his scorned hand and slowly pulled it behind his back. He gave Leo a slight bow.

[Leo Pulsar, future king of the Dark Elves and Efstfold. I apologize for holding you here.]

Leo didn't bother with a greeting. "What did you do to him?" He asked with a venomous voice. 

The Shadow Deity was quiet momentarily as he turned back to Erebus. He was much calmer than before. 

[I showed him something terrible.] The Shadow Deity said. He did not lie but kept his words vague around Leo, unsure of what Erebus wanted to reveal.

"Have you always been this cruel? Shouldn't you treasure someone like Erebus?" Leo yelled, his eyes reddening with sorrow. "Although I don't know what he has suffered, you do."

[I know. I have seen every tribulation. Every sorrow. I have counted his every wound and tear.]

"Did you count these new tears in your ledger? The tears you caused?" Leo's hands were clenched tightly in a fist as if he were forcing himself to refrain from drawing his sword. "You showed him something that nearly destroyed him."

[I know you are angry. You have prayed so diligently to me to keep him safe when he was fighting the Phonoi Heart, but I have caused him even more pain now.]

"You're right. I did pray... Hells, I fucking begged to keep him safe." Leo's wiped away his stray tears with annoyance. "He already has so much against him—unknown enemies and poisons. The last thing he needs is you trying to break him."

[I love Erebus more than you can fathom. I had to show him this. He needed to know the truth.]

"This... This is not love."

The Shadow Deity sighed and looked out of the space towards Erebus.

[Erebus is gifted, and many revere him as a benevolent leader. However, he can only see his mistakes. He relives every poor decision and paints himself as a villain... a monster unworthy of friendship or love.]

The Shadow Deity placed a hand on Leo's back.

[A child asked him to create a kinder world, and Erebus promised he would try. However, he convinced himself he didn't deserve to be a part of that world. Instead, all Erebus could think about was the blood that would stain his hands.]

Leo sighed sadly. "Does he not see his own kindness?"

The Shadow Deity slowly shook his head. [He could never see what kind of life he could live after the battle. He has written himself off as evil... as a demon.]

"What..." Leo wanted to ask what the Shadow Deity showed him but stopped himself. Maybe one day, Erebus would tell him what happened. 

[He saw a true demon... true evil. He saw what would have happened if he truly fell.]

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