38. A Monster's Salvation

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Fenrir sat to the side as Erebus circulated his mana, forcing his body to acclimate to the changes. He made significant strides towards his cultivation and felt he was already stepping into the 6th cultivation level. He had practically skipped over a level. Once he left Undanfold's suppression, he wondered if he would be measured at the King's Realm of cultivation. 

He was impressed with the benefits of the Phonoi Heart. Perhaps the rewards were worth the risks. Still, he was nowhere near the cultivation of his past self, but this would suffice for the role he needed to play today.

The forced meridian cleansing was also beneficial. The tainted mana had been flushed, and he could break down the poison easier by meditating. His core was also filled with purer mana from his efforts. He even felt his body had changed. It was stronger and faster than before.

Although he had not reached the Immortal stage, his foundation was more solid than his previous life.

Fenrir moved to him and pressed a paw on his hand. A small burn flared on his wrist. When Fenrir removed his paw, Erebus saw a white array etched into his skin.


Fenrir nodded. "The Kings of the Spirit Realm felt it was right to give you back your status as King and grant you Authority."

The magic from the array rushed through his veins, purifying his mana even more. The magic would also give his presence more strength. He already had a dominating aura, but this would amplify it. More importantly, he could create a portal in and out of the Spirit Realm whenever he pleased.

"Are you sure?" Erebus asked tentatively.

Fenrir laughed. "It is your rightful place... but what will you do now?"

"There's not too much I can do right now. I haven't fully refined the Phonoi Heart and am still embarrassingly weak."

Fenrir shook his head. "Come back to the Spirit Realm."

Erebus nodded. "I plan to visit."

But this answer only made Fenrir sigh. "No, become part of the Spirit Realm. We'll give you territory and subjects to rule. We will fight side by side and help you reach your goals."

Erebus cocked his head. "Are you telling me to abandon Shadowbane?"

Fenrir snorted out of anger. "Do you know nothing of what has happened? Do you know the fate of those who betrayed you?"

Erebus laughed lightly. "I do... They are living quite well..."

Fenrir growled. "And those who swore to stand by your side? Do you know how they abandoned you long ago? Those humans have done nothing but ignore your will. They've turned their back on your memory and neglected your goals. They were to fight against the Titans, but they became complacent. Humanoid creatures are deceitful and unfaithful."

"Fenrir, you know my feelings about Shadowbane."

"Shadowbane? Shadowbane fell long ago. It isn't even a shell of what it used to be. It is not the sect of the Demon Sovereign but a bitch to the Titans."

"Enough Fenrir." Erebus' voice was cold.

A growl rumbled from Fenrir. "They will turn on you again, Erebus. How many swords must stab you in the back for you to come to your senses? Abandon them before they abandon you!"

Erebus sighed. This was the same argument he had with the Phonoi Heart. "And then what?"

"You live, Erebus," Fenrir said with desperation laced in his voice.

"You're asking me to live in fear."

Fenrir snarled. "No. You live safely until you're powerful enough to rip apart Jericho."

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