85. A Hidden Entrance

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Not much changed after the King's declaration. The camp celebrated while Erebus and Leo remained in the tent. However, they were both out and training with the group the next day. 

However, after nearly a week, Erebus was ready to investigate Kurat Hall. He had told Leo of his plans, who reluctantly agreed. 

The night before he set out, Erebus and Leo shared drinks. Most soldiers expected them to act like a newly engaged couple and readied themselves for shameless flirting.

Contrary to their expectation, the couple debated mana techniques and how to incorporate them into their martial arts. When they came up with an idea, they picked up practice weapons and poised to attack each other. 

The soldiers tried to stop them, but their words were disregarded. The two men launched themselves towards each other. Shadow mana split the air and cut the earth.

The High Serpent members watched with slacked jaws. They never knew that shadow mana could be so powerful and sharp. It moved like water, consumed like flames, blocked like earth, and sliced like air. They suddenly felt that they were glimpsing into the most flexible type of mana.

Astra watched from the side and sighed. "No wonder they brought down that Hive."

The battle was fierce, but Erebus and Leo were laughing or giving each other suggestions on enhancing their mana even more. Within battle, they would alter their moves until they were seamless.

Every cultivator now set aside their awe and watched intently.

Behind the group, space trembled, and a portal opened. A large black wolf stepped out of the portal and had another 20 follow him.

Astra noticed the fluctuation and turned to see the wolves. She smiled warmly and quickly approached the pack. She gave the wolves a courteous bow. "It is a pleasure to see you again, King Fenrir."

Fenrir gave her a toothy grin. "If you're greeting me, I assume my brother is..." He sighed when he saw the two men clashing. 

She laughed lightly. "He and Leo shared a few drinks and started debating." 

Fenrir laughed. "Those two should not be allowed to drink. I never have met two souls who loved dueling as much as them." He turned to his small group. "Pups, go on ahead and watch closely."

The younger wolves looked pleased and quickly approached the front to watch with the others. The sect members were too entranced to notice the large wolves sitting amongst them.

Fenrir was still grinning. "Watching those two make my claws itch."

A silver wolf snorted and nuzzled him. "You're just as bad as them."

"I enjoy a brawl as much as the next wolf," Fenrir retorted. "You are the same, my mate."

She nipped him and settled next to Astra.  She introduced herself as Luna, Fenrir's mate, and asked about the events they may have missed while Fenrir was in the Spirit Realm.

Astra sighed and launched into the story they heard from the Bane Organization. Fenrir was huffing through most of it.

"What the in the hells is wrong with those Shadowbane Dukes? It was never this bad before." Fenrir huffed.

Astra nodded. "What's worse is that Golden Mountain complained to the Emperor, and they asked Erebus to surrender himself."

A loud growl ripped through the camp, shocking many people. Now that they were alerted of the wolves' presence, they started to panic. However, the captains were quick to reassure them.

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