4. Death Eludes

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The Shadowbane sect became a haven for Erebus. He lost his tongue, but they developed a language based on rhythmic taps to communicate with him. Eventually, they integrated it deep within their sect and used it like a secret code, so every soldier had a small metal plate sewn into their belts to communicate. After a time, they evolved it even further and infused the taps with mana to become a secret art that only the trained could understand. 

They also helped Erebus rehabilitate, taking a full year for Erebus to heal fully. When he did, they studied the Phoni Heart poison within him and found a way to refine it until they found that it was no longer eating away at him. Although the bloodthirsty hatred had integrated into his aura, making him colder than ever, it no longer made him lose his mind to madness. He was lucid.

In return, he focused on leading this sect to prosperity. He expanded his forces with the help of the Dark Elves, who joined forces with them. He also established a contract with a Spirit Realm beast named Fenrir, an Amarok Wolf, king of the shadow beasts. They had become dear friends and fought side by side in battle. With Erebus' contributions and determination to oppose the Titans, the Spirit Realm crowned him as a King of the Spirit Realm, securing a place of honor for him.

When he established his connections and strengthened Shadowbane, he declared that it was time to retaliate and resume the Shadowbane wars. He wanted vengeance, but more importantly, he yearned to strike down the ghastly Titans who sought to puppeteer his fate.

The Shadowbane sect had fought this battle for centuries, and Erebus soon led them into new wars. They started with the Devil Realm, Undanfold, and destroyed many hidden evils. When they subjugated the realm, they shifted their focus to taking down the major sects who were Titan sympathizers.

He caused the worlds to quake and earned the moniker Demon Sovereign, a beast of nightmares. He wore the name as a crown and sought to become the demon his enemies dearly feared. Together with Shadowbane, he fought for centuries.

The last sect they targeted was Fire Dragon, now led by Jericho. The battle was earth-shattering and chaotic. Neither side was destined to win, but they still fought bitterly. While the Fire Dragon sect feared the possibility of death, Shadowbane rejoiced. Death meant that their souls would rejoin the blessed Aether. 

Erebus was ready to accept the embrace of the Aether, longing for the peace it would bring. He was content and resolute. 

Erebus stood still while the fighting and death surrounded him. He could hardly hear the cries and protests over the thrumming of his heart. He had steeled his resolve for this moment but still could not predict the anguish he would feel facing the man he thought was his brother. 

Jericho raised his sword and ran toward Erebus with a yell. Erebus let out a resigned breath and readied his blade. They clashed in an explosion of fire and shadows. Although Jericho had become powerful, Erebus could contend with him. Also, Jericho's techniques were an imitation of Erebus when he was in the Fire Dragon sect, so it was easy for Erebus to dance around his strikes. 

The armies distanced themselves from Erebus' battle, avoiding the aftershocks of the impacts of their blades. Erebus was slowly pushing Jericho back, his dark shadows flickering around his flames and threatening to extinguish them. 

However, Erebus faltered when he heard Fenrir release a low whimper. He turned his attention to his comrade and felt his breath still as Fenrir collapsed. The four Dragon Commanders—his brothers many years ago—had surrounded Fenrir, and their swords had pierced his body.  

While distracted, Jericho struck out at him, causing Erebus to admonish himself. This was a battlefield, and they had anticipated their end, so he shouldn't weep for Fenrir. 

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