79. Declaring War (3)

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Golden Mountain started to pull Arlo away, but he turned back to glare at Erebus. 

Erebus chuckled. "I suggest you send your nephews a message. Let them know that if they appear in front of me, I will show them that death is a luxury."

Arlo let out a scream while his sect dragged him away.

Behind them, new footsteps rumbled, and a large group of people in dark green clothes came rushing up. Allen was in front and shuddered when he saw the destruction.

"Water Cultivators! Half of you put out the fire, and the other start healing. Everyone else, help out where you can." Allen ordered.

The people moved quickly, helping the fallen civilians and the Shadowbane cultivators who had blocked the attack. Allen rushed up to the four in front and gave Leonis a quick nod before he sucked in a breath as he examined Erebus.

"Seriously, kid, you have balls." He rubbed his face with his hands. "Let's get these two inside."

Leonis nodded, and they helped Erebus back inside the mess of the headquarters. They stopped in front of the shivering Dukes who were sharing a drink with Arlo moments before. Erebus walked up to them on unsteady legs. His bloodied hand shot up and grabbed Duke Blake's face, making him cry out.

"Do not think I have forgotten you, Duke. If you cross me one more time, I will not stop at plucking out your eyes like I did with Arlo. I will rip out your heart."

He patted his cheek a couple of times roughly, smearing the blood all over his face. The Duke quivered and fell to his knees.

Erebus ignored him and walked past the Dukes. There were only a few intact chairs, and Allen forced Erebus to sit in one.

Erebus groaned, looking around the area that had once been a pub. "Shit."

Halcyon gave him a wry look. "I am going to work you to the bone to pay for the damages."

Erebus groaned again, but it turned to a cough. He covered his mouth to hide the blood that came up, but they were able to notice it. Allen sighed and lifted his hands to use his water mana to start healing him.

Erebus shook his head. "My Uncle's meridians—"

Samar interrupted him. "—are fine. I'm not the one with a hole in my body."

Halcyon grinned, seeing the relationship between the two. He already saw Erebus as family, and now his son had accepted him in the fold. "I'll straighten out his meridians. You focus on your wounds."

They sat on the ground, and Halcyon placed his hands on Samar's back and started to use his Shadow Mana to fix the damage.

Allen poured his healing mana into Erebus, clicking his tongue with each new wound he found. As the hole started to close from the sword, Allen looked up and noticed the fifteen-petaled mark under his chest. He gave it a dark look.

"That marking is... sinister." He said quietly. But it was loud enough to attract Leonis and the others' attention.

Halcyon shook. "Why do you have fifteen petals now?"

"It seems you left things out of your report," Leonis said quietly, his anger stewing. He remembered the malevolent figure with a skull for a face. "Is that why we saw that skeleton thing in the throne room?"

"It's nothing I can't handle. I knew what I was getting myself into this time." Erebus said, hoping that they won't bring up too many questions.

But they wouldn't have it. Halcyon's voice was stern when he simply said, "Erebus."

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