10. Stories

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They had stopped for the night, letting the children rest. Erebus had started a small campfire and leaned against a rock as he guarded their small group. The teen had stationed himself nearby and watched Erebus with curiosity. 

"How long have you been here for?" The teen asked.

"I'm not too sure about that," Erebus said honestly. He had no idea how long he was tempering and training.

The boy whistled but was not too fazed by it. Many people had gone into seclusion and lost track of time. "Well, I'm Oliver, but everyone calls me Olly. Me and these kids are part of the Bane Organization, known for the best intelligence gathering."

Erebus looked at the small kids with surprise.

Olly noticed the look and became a little defensive. "I started the same age as them and have been in this business for over ten years. Everyone overlooks the kids, so they loosen their lips around them. All we do is report back rumors, but normally nothing dangerous. We're orphans of the city, so it's a way to put food in our bellies."

Erebus couldn't refute him or admonish him either. When he was a child, he and Jericho were thieves, a much more dangerous line of work. He took another drag from his cigarette. 

"People survive the only way they know how to," He empathized and nodded toward the kids. "How did you get caught up with the Devils?"

Olly sighed. "Some bastard and his goons snatched them up while playing in an alleyway. I caught wind of it and chased after them, but I also got captured. At least I was able to keep them calm."

"They were lucky to have you with them. Devils are impatient and would silence them if they were too loud." Erebus said quietly.

Olly nodded solemnly. "I know. It was all I could do for them. That's why I'm eternally grateful to you. So tell me, what information do you need? My intel may be a tad outdated because I was stuck with the Devils, but I should know enough." He gave him a quick wink. "Normally, you have to prove your worth and pay for this info, but I'm giving it to you without that nonsense."

Erebus pulled out a Devil's core. "Why are people collecting these?"

Olly laughed. "It's proof of death. Hunters can present these cores at their reporting sect stronghold, record their kills, and get coin. Halrland has some fancy magic that records kills, but we need to do it manually in Undanfold."

Erebus nodded, grateful that he took as many cores as he could. He could register as a hunter. "Which sect stronghold is in Swiftmoore?"

Olly grinned. "A few random ones like Golden Mountain, Silvercloud, and the such. But there is also Shadowbane."

Erebus trembled. Was Shadowbane still alive and operating? He searched Eri's memories, but 8it was never mentioned. The Themis family never talked about sects other than Golden Mountain. Even Selene was silent about it, only whispering words of the Demon Sovereign at times. 

He controlled his breathing as much as possible. "Shadowbane?"

"The most ancient of sects known in Halrland and Efstfold. The great Demon Sovereign led it in the Warring Era." Olly's enthusiasm turned wistful as he mentioned the Demon Sovereign. "Some say he's still alive—biding his time to return to Shadowbane. Together, we will rise, cover the world in our righteous shadow, and take down the ancient evil."

Erebus was surprised to hear Olly's words.  When he was stuck in the Soul Stone, his followers would visit him and wish for his return, but when they stopped coming, he assumed he had been lost in history. When Eri mentioned he was still remembered, he didn't dare to hope that people yearned for his return. He accepted being a relic of the past.

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