23. Djinn

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The world was silent for a split second as the Shadow Guard stumbled back, but Erebus kept the dagger plunged into his chest. 

"Erebus!" The others cried.

Claire pulled her blade and held it against Erebus' throat. Nash nocked an arrow and aimed it at Erebus' heart while Comet's hand firmly latched on top of Erebus' arm.

Nash glared at Erebus. "What in the hells did you do?"

Erebus laughed, ignoring the others. He watched the surprise and shock swirl in the Shadow Guard's eyes. "I don't know if I am just getting too old or naive."

The man stammered, looking down at the knife in his heart. "What... how?"

"I am normally cautious about who I choose as companions, so why don't I know your name? Why have I never felt compelled to ask? I am aware of you, but I have no impression of you. What you sound like, what you look like, how you fight... these are things I cannot remember the moment I look away from you." Erebus said.

The others paused and let Erebus' words sink in. Especially Claire, who was part of the Shadow Guards. She should have known these things, but why didn't she even seem to care or question the man?

"I did not think that the Djinn had the same idea as I did and chose to infiltrate the enemy," Erebus said with a dark smile. "You manipulated me."

Erebus twisted the blade that was pierced inside the man. The man cried out, and his eyes flickered to reveal the elongated pupils. His skin started to change into a light blue.

The others backed away from Erebus. He stepped closer to the Djinn and leaned towards his ears. "I swore to myself that I would rip out the heart of anyone who tries to manipulate me again."

He pulled out the blade and plunged his hand into the wound, holding on to the failing heart. The Djinn's eyes widened.

"Who are you..." He asked with blood dripping from his mouth.

Erebus changed his language to the ancient Djinn language. "I've been many things. Brother. Commander. Sovereign. Now, I suppose I am simply a demon."

The Djinn gave him a confused and flustered look, which made Erebus snort. "How laughable. You damned Djinn bastards not only lost your standing in the Spirit Realm but also forgot your language. Blame your ignorance for not knowing who killed you."

Erebus closed his fist around the heart and made it shatter like glass. The Djinn cried out as his body flaked away and scattered into the air. The fog around them also dissipated, revealing the vast land around them.

Erebus watched as the Djinn faded away and turned to the others. He was surprised to see the three of them bowed low.

Nash was the first to speak. "We have been part of Shadowbane for many years and did not even question the Djinn. We were blind."

"We caused you to suffer as well," Comet said with heavy remorse.

"As a captain in the Shadow Guard, I should have realized he was not one of my men," Claire added.

They bowed a little lower. "Forgive us." They said together.

Erebus laughed lightly. "I don't blame any of you. I hate fighting Djinns because they are tricksters. They know how to manipulate you when you are in a weakened state. I appreciate that you listened to my words and pulled back instead of attacking me. Thank you for your trust."

He looked around at the desolate land. "Now, does anyone have an idea where we are?"

Claire fell to a knee. "I will check, sir." With that, she merged with the shadows.

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