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Vegas's P.O.V

His fragile skin like silk,his cinnamon brown eyes,his healing delicate voice,his alluring scent of burnt sugar and strawberries,his red heart dripping with his sweet blood.

He broke me,he was the reason of my failure,he weakened me,he ruined me because he was my weakness.

I remember the time I first saw him.He was ordered to serve us in the sword courtyard where I was fighting with Kinn my commander,whom I believe blindly.

I saw how the little Omega was trembling with nervousness and trying not to make any eye contact with the people present there, especially with me.but the time stopped when our eyes met and that was the time when I felt a heated sensation on my shoulder,Kinn sliced it deeply because I was distracted.

The Omega feared so much so that he dropped the tray making the tea cups clatter as they hit the ground with a thud, making me smirk. I dropped my sword and launched towards the beautiful dove.

I can't forget his fearful face every time I forced him.His mind was full of hatred towards me but his heart,his heart made of pure gold because he cared for me even if I assaulted and torched him in different ruthless ways.

Because I couldn't accept the fact that such a lowly Omega is my 'Mate'.But his heart melted my own stoned heart as he made me fell in love not only with his beauty but also with his honey like soul.He became my strength and my weakness at the same time.

But I knew that Fate doesn't side me in my life and it did something terrible, so terrible that it broke me into hundred of pieces ,made me broken down onto my knees, made me so vulnerable, so toxic that it made me a beast .

I lost everything to him, because of him.He was the reason of my pain, my guilt,my regret.

I remember the first time I entered his hot,wet entrance,how he moaned due to incredible pain and pleasure.How he cried his hearts out as I thrusted into him with all my Alpha strength.He triggered my rut like no other.

But now the scenario is different, every omega who once dreamt to sleep with me was afraid to do so, because they know nobody can replace his place.Which means I had to go through my ruts alone.They made me go out of control because I knew I am the reason why my omega is not with me.

I remember how he used to comfort me after wars,how he used to pamper me,how he took my care like a baby.Yet I made a mistake,a misunderstanding,an unforgivable sin.

I conquered the world for him even if he didn't want any of those but I did anyways because my words were less to tell him how I felt about him.I wanted to convey my true feelings,my emotions to him by showing him that I can bring down the whole world for you.

I remember how he cried when I fractured multiple bones of mine,in a war.I saw pain,sadness,affection in his hazelnut eyes.

I drink the cold bitter content which was in the glass.Trying to forget him,I let alcohol consume my senses,my consciousness,my sorrows.I drank until I felt absolutely numb.

I chuckled as his pouty face crossed my mind whenever I used to drink or smoke.He used to get angry and pout, showing his sulking face.I remember how I promised to him that I will not drink nor smoke.

I felt a tear escape from my eye because DAMN IT! he made me fucking weak.

I got surprised as I heard a knock on my door.I shake away all his thoughts and got up.I opened the door just to found my little brother standing with a tray full of food.

"Hia",his voice was laced with dryness.

I got aside and let him pass by me,his pheromones were stressed.I closed my eyes once again trying to control the urge of destroying everything.

I closed the door and saw Macau settled on the sofa in my room.I sat next to him.He already set the food onto the table but his eyes were fixed on his feets.

After a minute or longer silence he finally spoke,"Hia,bring him back please.I want to apologise to him.Its because of me that he is's all my mistake, I created all the misunderstandings,I am the one who should be blamed,I should be puni--"

"STOP IT!", I shouted unable to control myself.He made my brother feel guilty,he caused such havoc in my life,he is the reason why we are like this.

"Nothing is your mistake either mine nor his.Nobody is at fault.Everything is alright.I will bring him.We will be happy once again", I tried once again to keep my cool.

Instead of replying my brother starts sobbing violently,"Every word you speak is a lie Hia, EVERYTHING IS A LIE!!WE CAN'T BRING HIM BACK! BECAUSE HE'S DE---"


I had enough for today.I forcefully picked him up from his seat and made him get out from my room.

As I closed the door, I slide against it agonizing in pain and anger.He even destroyed my brother.

I wanted to take my life because he made me injured deeply, mentally, emotionally.

The chance of taking my life was also taken away from me.
The curse,it made me and Macau forbidden to get old or take our lives.Because he was an special Omega.The Goddess of Omega herself cursed us.

I need to see him now.I want to show him that I am furious and sad, Hatred and concern filled me up.

I stood up and grabbed the key and made my way to meet him.I quickly descended the stairs and reached underground,a place that was only known to me and nobody else.

I opened the lock with my key and entered the beautiful, glorious room where he stays, everytime.

I sat near him and let him show my defeated self.I forgot all my Alpha nature,all my ego....all of it.Showing my weakest self.

"My little Dove....see I am back.I missed you so much that I couldn't help myself."

I tried hard not to cry but it didn't work and I lost it.However I tried talking to him he didn't said a word.He was not obeying me making me so agitated that I punched his tomb, so hard that my hand completely broke into pieces.Every thing went numb.If it was him to see me like this,he would slapped me because of my carelessness.

'Yet he is lying still in his grave.'


As promised, I am here with an original, better and interesting storyline.This story is going to be very dark,full of heavy angst and some disturbing events.

So read it at your own risk.

*This story is completely written by ME.No other Author involved.

Next I will be providing an Omegaverse guide for this story.I don't think you'll be needing a character sketch for this one because you all are already aware of the characters.

I hope you gonna like my work.
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