Chapter 8

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Pete's P.O.V

I felt Khun Tankhun move. Afraid of what's coming next, I shut my eyes tightly....

What I didn't expect, Happened.

He embraced me.

He embraced me in his arms.

Security ,assuring comfort and warmth was filled in his hug.It made me feel safe. I start melting in his embrace.Leaving my body weight to his body. I tightly clunged on his neck with both of my arms. His faint omega scent calming my senses. Tears form in my eyes and started dripping out, wetting his shiny dress. I let myself become vulnerable.

I needed this.

I wanted to let go.

After long minutes of silent hug, he pulled back. His face was not at all mocking, instead it was concerned and pitiful. He smiled faintly.

"Your name is wonderful Pete", he said in a low and slow voice.It made me sob harder.

He reach out his hand and gently wipe of the tears from my already red and heated face.

"I know it's hard. Don't worry. Our goddess do every thing for our own good. You are the most beautiful person I have seen in the entire groups of Kingdoms and royalties."

He start spilling comforting words near my ears. Making me feel better and better.I can't believe he's the same person who was bleeding out our ears with his whale screams.

After some more time he was successful in calming me down by giving me chilled water.

"Relax Pete, you are Vegas's destined mate and we respect the blessings from our goddess. We don't care which class do you belong from. We are happy to have someone so young and innocent as our King's mate ."

Omegas who were surrounding us nodded in agreement to Khun Tankhun's speech. They start passing smile towards me making me feel comfortable.

But it didn't matter if they accept me. What matters is My Mate accepting me,taking me as a human being not a mere low standard worker.

My Mate was far from even looking at me. Him accepting me was way more than a dream. This thought made my heart tighten up.

Khun Tankhun grab my attention by speaking again.

"OKAY!! LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT OUR CEREMONIES AND RITUALS!!!", he said in an utterly excited voice which make me doubt myself to think he's the one who was speaking those warm words just a minute ago.

I chuckle, Back to our old Tankhun I guess .

I smile at him. "Khab Khun."

He took a deep breath and starts speaking.

"So we follow many ceremonies but major of them are...







I look at him stunned. What in hell are these rituals!!!? Pleasuring.....what does it mean? Dangling....Will they dangle and strangle me to death!?
What are these? Tenra?? Tenra means dance, but I don't know if I'll be alive till this ceremony.

Khun notices my awed expression.

"Oiii Pete don't worry!! They are all fun. Let me explain them too you.

Purifying. Purifying is the ceremony in which all the Omegas will give you a bath in this pond below. This water is blessed by our dignified ancestors. The flowers and fragrances in the water is a symbol of new hopes. This bath will purify you to depths of your soul.

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