Chapter 32

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Pete's footsteps once again echoed urgently through the palace corridors, his breaths ragged as he stormed into Tankhun's chamber. Tankhun, seated calmly with a book in hand, glanced up, a serene expression on his face.


Gasping for air, Pete's eyes were wide, shimmering with unshed tears.


Tankhun's composure softened into concern. "Pete, calm down. Take a seat." He gestured toward the edge of the bed, his eyes never leaving Pete's distressed face.

Pete sank onto the bed, his breaths still uneven, his eyes fixed on Tankhun.

Tankhun moved closer, his voice quiet, inviting Pete to share his burden. "Tell me, Pete. What happened? Here have some water."

After gulping down the cold water. Pete breathes some calm breaths.

He gazed at Tankhun with curiosity, his voice a whisper, "Khun Tankhun, could you tell me more about Vegas's mother? I feel like there's so much I don't know."

Tankhun's expression shifted, a mix of sorrow and resolve. "Vegas's mother, Dao, was a remarkable woman, Pete. She came from a humble village near the outskirts of Walur. Her beauty was matched only by her kindness."

Pete leaned in, captivated by Tankhun's storytelling. "How did she end up in the palace?"

Tankhun's eyes held a distant sadness. "King Kan, Vegas's father, had married  my sister, Tia , a wealthy heiress. But they struggled with the heir he so desperately desired. During a village inspection, the King stumbled upon Dao. Enthralled by her beauty, he brought her to the palace, as a maid but in his rut he raped Dao, impregnating her with Vegas.
He told Tia about all the situation and they made an agreement with Dao that she will give the child and will go away from their lives. Dao agreed.

Pete's eyes widened in disbelief. "So, Dao was forced into this?"

Tankhun nodded gravely. "Initially, yes. But as time passed, King Kan grew to truly care for her. Despite the circumstances, love bloomed between them, and Dao later gave birth to Macau."

Pete's brow furrowed. "What happened then?"

Tankhun sighed, the weight of the past heavy in his words. "Tia, consumed by jealousy and fear of losing her status, cast Dao aside, banishing her from the palace(*chap-6*). Dao's resilience and grace were unmatched, but the pain she endured was immeasurable.
After that I never heard about her until from you."

Pete's heart ached for the untold struggles of Vegas's mother. But one question still lingers in his mind...

"What happened to Khun Tia?"

Tankhun face goes cold as never before, as well as his answer.

"I killed her. She used to take her anger out on Vegas and Macau. They were innocent, unknown of the truth.  They loved me, trusted me. And I knew my duty. The duty to protect them at any cost. Even if it takes my sister's life."

Pete hugs Tankhun. Both crying there hearts out in each other's arm.

Finally everything seems to come in place for Pete. Every riddle every connection but it was still not clear why Kinn is after him.


The palace halls were hushed as Pete strode, his mind consumed by thoughts . Each step carried the weight of his worries, etched into the furrowed lines on his brow. Shadows danced along the corridor, the dim torches casting eerie silhouettes.

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