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Vegas's P.O.V

I felt some stirring going on beside me.I open my eyes. Alerted,I scanned the omega engulfed in my arms. His hot ,sweaty body was shivering like anything.

I sightly touch the back of my hand to his forehead, his skin was hot to the touch, and his eyes were glazed over with exhaustion. He shivered despite the blanket wrapped tightly around him, and his breath came in short gasps. His hair was matted to his forehead with sweat, and a thin sheen of perspiration covered his face. Pete tried to speak something, but his voice was a hoarse whisper, barely audible above the sound of his own labored breathing. He closed his eyes and drifted off into a restless slumber, his dreams haunted by the fever that had taken hold of him.

He was like a leaf in the wind, trembling with the slightest breeze. Like an ice sculpture, slowly melting under the heat of his own body. His pheromones were announcing his illness.

For the first time in my life, I felt the emotion of getting panicked. I don't know what to do in this situation.

I quickly withdraw myself from him and wrap the sheets better than before. I get out of the bed and close all the windows so he doesn't feel cold. Then,I ordered Nop to call a physician from the Palace's infirmary.

As I look back at Pete his eyes were closed and his hand was desperately searching for something. I sit beside him and take his hand in mine. He quickly calms down and grips my hand with all his fragile strength.

An old lady Omega entered the King's royal room. She was having few wrinkles around her eyes and mouth, evidence of a life well-lived and full of laughter. Her hair wear in a neat bun. Her eyes bright and alert. She bows infront of the King of Walur and his slightly unconscious mate.

"Your highness, I would be highly obliged, if you could leave Khun Pete for an medical examination."

Vegas sharply looks at the old physician. His hand still engaged with Pete's. He gently untangles them. He gets up from the bed not before looking at Pete. He walks to the physician. And stand infront of her.

"Make sure he's fine."

The lady omega nods nervously. Vegas do not say anything further and leaves Pete alone with the doctor.


Nop was waiting for Vegas outside his room. Nop bows as he see the Alpha and starts speaking.

"Your highness, Prince Macua is waiting for you in the courtroom."

Vegas nods, "Stay here and guard the room...inform me once after Pete's checkup is over."

"Khub Your highness"


The brothel's hallway was filled with Omega and Alpha whores. Sitting, laughing, drinking and relaxing to the fullest.

Haha ha ha haha

The different groups were laughing and chatting.

But the one which included Tay...

"Look at him all crying. Can't he just give up?", The omegas whisper to each other while looking at Tay.

"Tay!! Stop drinking!?
If you are so much in pain then put your pride aside. Go, see Your highness Yourself", one of the Alpha speaks in annoyance.

"Don't be foolish! Vegas must come to me begging...after he embarrassed me infront of that disgusting, for name sake omega mate of his."

The Alphas burst into a laughter.

Haha haaa haa haha

"Oh goddess...Why do you dream so much huh? Do you really think that the King of Walur, Your highness, all mighty, Khun Vegas will come to beg...you?

Pfft...so funny!!"

Tay shouts in anger ,face red with tears and rage,"He will!! I know... I know him very well. He loves me and only me!"

"I will make him love me. Even if I need to destroy someone for it..."


Important: Guys everything happening involving Bible-Build is getting very chaotic and dramatic. Bible Sumettitkul unfollowed Build Jakapan on Instagram and all of the rumours etc, etc.

Everything, everyone, every issue have its own limits and my are on its verge. I don't wanna offend anyone with this, it's my personal opinion. Please respect them (Bible-Build) as it is but it's really becoming a mess to my own mental health.

I just wanna tell you all that if we will be introduced to Bible's new onscreen partner (other than Build) for 4 minutes...I will immediately discontinue all my FFs (completed or not) at that exact time. I will stop writing for them because that will be the key for there era to finally come to an end. I will neither have the courage nor the motivation to continue with a heavy heart.

So if suddenly I stop updating...it means I lost my hopes in everything.

Still let's hope everything's gonna be fine. Because our heart can't accept any other than...

#BibleBuild X Forever 💙🖤


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