Chapter 2

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After a ride of 4 hours they were finally infront of the huge, beautiful palace.Pete was in awe of the structural beauty of the royal palace.He look upon the large and majestic palace as a fairy tale dream.The gardens and secret patios,as a heaven full of flowering fragrances and nooks and crannies of sheer delight.He was  filled with curiosity,as to how it would be to flow through these elaborately designed royal palace as a welcome visitor in residence.He was marvelled  at the coolness of stone and the sheer beauty of beautiful landscaping.

Pete was mesmerized looking at the beauty of the palace.He can even see the village below from there.He tried to find his hut but was unsuccessful as it was very small and far from the sight of naked eyes.

Arm cleared his throat seeking the  attention of Pete."Um...this is your entrance card, without this you will not be allowed to enter or exit the palace",Pete took the rectangular card from Arm and hold it very gently.

"Thank you Khun Arm",Pete bowed infront of Arm.Pete liked Arm's company.The whole ride was comfortable and full of small talks.

"Phi is fine, I am just a coachman not from the royal family",Arm replied with a smile making Pete chuckle.

"Now you go and enter in the palace.Everythings gonna be fine." Pete smiled humbly and turned to enter inside the palace.

The door of the palace was enormous. Ofcourse elephants and other large number of animals would pass through it.It also had a small door within it.Pete nervously knocked on the door.It was opened by a well built Alpha "What do you want?",the guard said with a rude tone.Pete flinched at the tone and showed the card with trembling hands.

The guard quickly scans the card and looks back at Pete with a smirk on his face,"So you are the new maid...So pretty to be a maid better be a bed warmer sweet omega."

Pete clenched his jaw at the words of the guard but didn't react to it because he knew making enemies on his first day of work is not a good idea.

The guard moves aside and sign Pete to enter.As Pete moves past him,he felt the guards eyes on him.He felt disgusted but quickly makes his way to the palace.

He suddenly felt lonely as he saw strange faces,he started to miss the company of Arm.He didn't know where to go so he just continued to walk inside the palace.

Royal is the feel that the palace interior was invoking. Framed art on the wall and wall paintings, embellished furnishings and furniture, and majestic lighting fixtures, all created a scene with unparalleled pomp.

Suddenly he bumps into a guard.The impact made Pete fall on his bump.The tall clown looking guard quickly kneels down and starts crying for forgiveness.

Pete finds it funny and scary at the same time."Help me stand please", Pete whispers quietly.It makes the guard stand back on his legs and help Pete to stand up.

"I am so sorry your highness, I didn't see you",the guard says while brushing off the dust from Pete's old clothes without stopping.

"I am no royal I came here to work as a maid".Pete says making the guard withdraw his hands to himself.

"Oh my goodness, I thought I bumped into a royal",he says while breathing hard and keeping a hand on his heart.

Pete smiled at him, "I am sorry if I startled you, I was looking for the kitchen actually it's my first day."

The tall guard smiled at him, "Ohh it's my second day here if you want I can take you to the kitchen".Pete looked at the guard with glee and nodded "Please show."

"I am Pol",the guard introduced himself to Pete while they were on their way to the kitchen."I am Pete",Pete also introduced himself.


"Umm...Vegas don't leave yet",says the beautiful Omega who was lying naked on the King's royal bed.

Vegas rolled his eyes and starts getting ready ignoring the man on the his bed.

If you were not of use of me I would have kicked you out long time back,he thought while cleaning himself.

Tawan is the son of King of Osi  Kingdom .Vegas wanted to have control on Osi that's why he lured the Prince of Osi on his bed.

But Tawan was quite annoying he behaved like he was Vegas's mate which angered Vegas to depths.But he knew that Tawan is the only key to Osi,so he kept his patience with him.Used him as a source of relief too.

"I will be back soon go back to your room",he said in his heavy harsh threatening voice."But--,"one glare from Vegas and Tawan keeps his protests to himself.


Pete was now alone in the kitchen,Pol left him , because he had duties too.Pete looked around the kitchen,the kitchen itself was big enough to fit 30 huts like his.

The long table in this kitchen could be used by the family or servants for their meals. You can see the orderly arrangement of the kitchen.

He was roaming around when a sudden voice startled him.

"Who are you?", Pete looked back to the source of voice.He find a smart, handsome personality on the threshold of the kitchen.His attire was not just a symbol of wealth but a determining factor of authority and social status.

Pete quickly bowed infront of him,"Your highness,I am Pete,new maid"

"Where's your uniform?",the royal asked with seriousness.

"It-Its my first day", Pete told for the 3rd time today.

"Okay I'll send someone to help you",the royal said and went away without waiting for a reply.Pete finally released the breath he didn't know that he was holding.

Shortly after, a tanned skinned gorgeous looking Omega comes with some clothes in his hand.He gives a smile at Pete as he walks near him.

"Prince Macau asked me to help you out.I am Porsche ,the head of maids and servers.Actually I was given the duty to guide you today but my mate went into sudden rut and I went busy on mean with him."

Pete awkwardly smiles at the TMI that Porsche was giving him.Soon Porsche hands Pete the identical clothes he was wearing.

"This is the uniform Pete and I want you to change into it, I will show you the quaters where you will live and teach your work."

Pete nods and takes the clothes and go to change in the bathroom which he saw in his way here.When he comes back Porsche show his room and make him understand the ways and directions of the palace.

"It's your first day so let's start with laundry", Porsche say with a assuring smile.

Pete felt comfortable and safe around Porsche as he was an Omega and have a gentle nature.

Pete nods and returns the smile.

As they reach the laundry Pete saw bundles of dirty clothes. Porsche picks one large red satin bedsheet and hands it to Pete.

"Here,wash this very carefully it is used on King's bed", Pete nods and takes the bedsheet and sits near the tap and starts scrubbing the sheet gently.

He unintentionally sniffed the bedsheet and found traces of some omega's scent mixed with hot , arousing scent of whisky and wood scent of an Alpha.

He found the Alpha's scent really familiar and protecting.He went in such daze that he rubbed the sheet on his scent gland,scenting it.

Not knowing its dangerous consequences.


A/N:Hope you enjoyed this chapter!Our Vegas Pete will be meeting in the next chapter!!!!

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