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We completed 1K veiws so quickly after the publish of this story.This made me really happy.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

So here I present you.....a quick short Side story .

It is important so please don't skip.


A venust white wolf. His fur is long and silky with soft thickenings.The lengthy tail is bushy, and the legs are long giving it a lanky appearance.

His eyes were distinctly almond-shaped that tend to be more closely set on the face and are slanted, with the corners of the eyes lining up with the outer base of the ears.He hadn't realised that blue could be such hot fire until he saw those eyes.

He looks absolutely healthy and prosperous.His face looks so innocent,pure......divine.He seems to be smiling heartily.

Soon his fur starts turning red.....Crimson red. Especially it's the area around his heart.

Its his blood.

His smile is long gone.Instead a frown rest on his alluring face.A frown of sufferings, betrayal.His eyes starts closing but it looks as if he is attaining freedom.

He is liberating....levitating

His eyes fully closes.His body starts fading away. Slowly. smoothly. gently he vanishes in thin air.There remains nothing.....just his benevolent heart which was fading too.


Vegas jolted awake in the middle of the night, feeling suffocated and breathless from the vivid nightmare that had just plagued his sleep.

He could hear anxious thudding of his heart and feel cold sweat upon his brow.

The nightmare had left him anxious and unable to sleep. Yet, at the same time, he could not bring himself to get out of bed.

Feeling on edge even after being awake for a little while.

Vegas is suffering from these nightmares these days. To be precise it's been 1 week* since he is getting a nightmare that felt all too real.

He sees the same white wolf with charming blue eyes getting vanished or escaping from him every time in the dream.

Vegas always feel some connection for this entity.It pains him to see the wolf getting away from him.Its like Vegas is breaking away from himself.

But this dream was too real to forget.
The emotions on the Wolf's sweet face hurts him deeply.It never happened in other dreams that there was blood on the wolf.....

Vegas is currently in his brother's room. Macau went for the village inspection which takes a full day. That is why Vegas came here after leaving Pete in his room.

He clenched his teeth at the thought of Pete.

That poor thing which made a deep dent in Vegas's heart.

That poor thing which made a deep dent in Vegas's heart

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A/N:  * It's been 1 week since Pete started working in the palace.Which means Vegas is getting these nightmares since Pete arrived at the palace.

Let's see who is this anonymous wolf.

I will be giving these Extras/Side stories throughout my publishing.

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