Chapter 30

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Pete's P.O.V

My heart sank as I watched my mate don his armor and prepare to leave for battle. The weight of the impending danger settled heavily upon me, and I felt a knot forming in my stomach. It was a mixture of pride and fear, as I admired his courage while also dreading the possible outcome.

I stood there, silently observing him as he meticulously adjusted each piece of his armor. The sunlight danced off the shining metal, reflecting the determination in his eyes. His strong hands tightened the straps, ensuring his protection was secure. I couldn't help but concern over his thoughts. I did my best to comfort him. Tell him that we are in this together.

The sound of fellow soldiers sharpening their swords and the clanging of armor filled the air, creating a deafening symphony of preparation. I could see the tension mirrored in the faces of the men around us, all preparing themselves for the challenging battle ahead.

It was time to leave.

Vegas turned to face me, and for a moment, everything around us fell silent. His gaze softened, reflecting both love and concern. Without saying a word, he pulled me into a tight embrace, his arms wrapped around me protectively. I could feel his heartbeat, steady and strong, reassuring me, and I clung onto him as if trying to hold on to every bit of warmth and comfort he provided.

As he gradually released me, he whispered words of reassurance, promising me he would return safely. My heart ached, knowing that I couldn't control the outcome of the battle, but I cherished this moment of solace.

I reached up to brush away a stray strand of hair that had fallen across his forehead, my fingers lingering against his skin. Our eyes locked, understanding the depth of emotions reflected in them. With a soft smile, he kissed my forehead gently, leaving a lingering warmth that I desperately clung onto.

With a final, piercing glance, Vegas turned and walked towards the ranks of soldiers, his footsteps echoing with determination. The lump in my throat threatened to choke me as tears welled up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

As the trumpets sounded and the battle cries grew louder, my hand instinctively reached for the charm he had given me, a symbol of his love and protection. His mark on me.I clung onto it tightly, silently pledging to be strong for him.

As I stood there with a heavy heart, I prayed to our omega goddess and every deity I could think of, hoping that fate would be kind and bring him back to me, safe and unharmed.

But when I got a look of Kinn, smirking at me like a Satan, I knew I have many questions and those questions can be cleared only by one person. His mate... Porsche.


Pete stealthily tip-toed his way towards the kitchen, driven by an unease that curled around his mind like an ominous fog. As he gently pushed open the door to reveal an unexpected scene, a knot tightened in his stomach. There stood Porsche, usually the epitome of composed coolness, his normally calm face now etched with delicate lines of stress and worry.

But as soon as Porsche noticed Pete's arrival, his face transformed like the flick of a switch. A practiced smile stretched across his features, curving his lips in an overly cheerful manner. However, Pete, caught the brief flicker of relief in Porsche's eyes before his expression turned wary.

The bond between them prompted Pete's stern gaze to soften but not fade entirely. He studied Porsche's face, looking past his facade, and saw a weariness mirrored in his eyes. A shared understanding passed between them, as if they were two actors in the same play, tired of pretending and longing for an end to this exhausting charade.

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