Chapter 4

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I am telling you in advance.It is not a good idea to start your morning with this chapter ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ



Author's P.O.V

Vegas grabbed the little terrified omega by his elbow and starts to drag him.Pete could only let his tears drip from his eyes, praying for some mercy from the alpha.....his Alpha.

Vegas dragged and dragged him until they reach infront of the majestic door, which for sure opens to King's bedroom.Vegas opened the door and harshly pushed Pete inside while locking the door behind.

The walls of the royal bedroom were adorned with rich tapestries and intricate frescoes depicting scenes from myth and legend. The floors were covered in plush carpets and the ceiling were decorated with gilded molding and a glittering chandelier.

The centerpiece of the room was a massive four-poster bed draped in sumptuous fabrics, such as silk and velvet, with intricate carvings and gold accents. Surrounding the bed, there were plush chairs, chaise lounges, and a small seating area with a cozy fireplace.

The room feature a dressing area, complete with a large mirror, vanity table, and luxurious seating for the King to prepare for the day.

Overall, the royal bedroom did evoke a sense of grandeur, luxury, and extravagance.

It made Pete felt poor, poverty-stricken, straitened.It made him realise his place which is always being a weak,poor, helpless omega.

Vegas turns to look at the powerless embarrassed,crying creature in the middle of his room.Pete was clutching his bare hands on his maid's uniform.
His uniform contains a black dress, a white apron.

Vegas walked behind the Omega, only a few feet away from him. He fought his wolf from taking over him, he didn't know how to go about the situation.

Pete mistakenly collided with the King, Vegas grabbed the Omega's hips to steady him, and Pete gasped in shock, finally taking his first breath since entering the room. The slightest touch of the Omega, made Vegas's fingertips tingle with satisfaction.

The scent hit Pete like a freight train, making him want to collapse on his knees, much like it had a couple of minutes prior, but this scent, it was coming from the source. The Alpha held the Omega steady, not realizing that he would react in such a way. Pete's Omega wanted to submit to the Alpha right then and there.

"Mate." The Alpha growled, almost with anger and frustration while burying his face into the crook of the Omega's neck.

Pete let out a gasp, his heart began to flutter with excitement. His mate, he finally was with his mate.Although it was not a normal situation which he dreamt. However Pete wanted to let the Alpha take him right then, but he knew, he knew right now was not the place or the time.

"Mate," Pete responded quietly, submitting to the Alpha that held onto him.

Vegas pulls the sharp diamond-plated dagger out of the scabbard tied to his belt. And with one smooth swing, he tears Pete upper into pieces. The torn pieces of his top slip down his body leaving his chest bare in front of King's hungry eyes.

Shocked and scared, Pete tries to cover his body with his hands as soon as he could, but Vegas grabs both his hands. He pins him to the wall as Pete closes his eyes with fear. His small body quickly sinks behind Vegas's big structure.

As Vegas stares at his bare breasts he says, "Aren't you a delicate little Omega? It should be quite fun to play with you!"

Teardrops rolls down uncontrollably from Pete's flushed red cheek as he looks down at their feets.

"Please....don't hurt me",he says in his shaky trembled voice

Vegas chuckles a bit and with a deep voice, he states, "You have no idea how badly I will hurt you!"

Saying so he cups one of his brests with his hand.He turns Pete harshly to face him. He roughly throws Pete on the bed.

Pete's eyes widened as his mate starts stripping.Pete felt definitely feared for what disaster waits next.He tried crawling backwards while vigorously shaking his head.He was unable to form words.He wanted to shout scream and yell for help but his omega made him worthless and totally helpless.

Vegas smirked seeing unworthy tries of the omega to escape.He grabbed Pete's feets and pulled him closer to him."Trying to run little Dove".

Pete felt flustered at the small word.His heart swelled with a slight hint of unknown satisfaction and glee.
But soon that too vanished.

Vegas,who was naked himself, went for his omega.He impatiently ripped off the cheap uniform leaving the omega bare and naked infront of him.

Pete tried covering his vulnerable self.Vegas Laughed a dark heavy laugh,"You are made for this.Don't act so high and innocent.I know you must be very happy that I am your mate, thinking that I will fill your life with beautiful colours of joy and heaven but......"Vegas pinned Pete's hands above his head."I will make your life a living hell!"

With this Vegas starts stroking his cock.Pete expression is one of concern. He was frightened.He was absolutely numb which caused him to lose his senses of speech.He went total mute.

Vegas didn't even tried to prepare his mate.He aimed straight for Pete's hole.Pete moaned in pain.While Vegas was struggling to get inside Pete.Maybe it was because of the lack of foreplay.Actually there was no intention for a foreplay, because this is just to show Pete,his omega,his mate that Vegas is the one who decides.To show that Vegas is the one who is high and holds power.To show Pete his place,his standard of a mere omega who satisfy his mate in the bed.

Vegas growls and pulls back in attempt to push his cock all the way in.But as he pulls his cock out he finds wet small beads of red shadings on it.

Pete shakes his head in pain.

Realization dawns on Vegas swiftly.

"You're a virgin?",he asks, more like questioning to himself.

When Pete doesn't answer Vegas looks up, only to find the innocent beauty already passed out.

Vegas leaves him.

Not knowing how this will leave an adverse affect on Pete.


A/N:Its my first time writing a scene like this so don't curse me please.From here things will be getting only worse so prepare yourselves.I will try to produce a slow burn kind of a story.

This is the last update for this week.

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