Chapter 18

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Sur per rice !!!!


Pete was curled in the bedsheets of Vegas' room, feeling vulnerable and  in need of comfort. He was feeling sad, anxious, and overwhelmed by the stresses in the starting of the day. Curling up into a ball was helping him to feel safe and protected, as if he was being held in a warm embrace,as if he was letting go of his worries and surrendering to the comfort of bed.

The sound of opening of the room's door, fills Pete with fear. The fear of being hurt again and again. He tightens his grip on the sheets.


Pete quickly gets up and hugs the person. He was shivering in anticipation. But as he gets Tankhun's scent he immediately felt relieved.

"Did you miss me?"

Pete didn't say anything just hugs Tankhun more tightly. Tankhun chuckles and starts patting Pete's back and hair gently. With love and care. Something which Pete needs the most.

Pete starts breaking down slowly in the warmth of the omega's embrace. Tankhun frowns as Pete was trying so hard to control the noises off despair but failing miserably. Tankhun quickly pulls Pete away from his hug. Pete trys to hide his tears but Tankhun sees it.

"Pete why are you crying dear? Did you got hurt somewhere? Do you want something? Did Vegas did something to you?..."

"No!!", Pete quickly denies on the last question.

"No Khun...your highness didn't do anything wrong. I was just feeling lonely."

Tankhun give a suspicious look to Pete. But sighs and again takes Pete in for a hug.

"I told you na...we are your family .Me,Macau, Porsche, even Jamie and Nop.We all love you. Don't ever feel lonely again. "

But this doesn't include Vegas.

Pete start missing his mother's hug. How she was crying when he was leaving. How she warned him to stay away from the king. How Pearl and Pace wants a good life. How Vegas broke him. How his life completely fell into a burning hell. How he want to be free from all the pains, responsibilities and despairs.

How he want to end his life

Tankhun smiles when Pete falls asleep in his arms with his thoughts. He made Pete lay down nicely on the bed. Tankhun eyes wets as he see the immense pain on Pete's face. Even while sleeping he looked so sad.

As Tankhun leaves the room he found Vegas standing infront of the room's door. Eavesdropping.

Tankhun's gaze turns sharp in anger after seeing Vegas.

"Are you happy now?
I told you Vegas he is an innocent soul. Far different from your cruelty and menaces. And what are you doing to him?Huh?! You are fucking breaking him up!"

Vegas felt speechless at the outburst of Tankhun. But the fact that he is seeing Tankhun cry for someone was really scary because he never saw him break like this.

Tankhun takes Vegas's hands in his.
And shakes it.

"See this Vegas...your hands are cold. They are so cold and dead.  They are rotting in hatred and blood.

But your mate, Pete will warm them up Vegas. He will teach you how to love. He himself will love you. Just once Vegas. Just once treat him right.
Otherwise mark my will regret doing all of this."

With this he leaves Vegas's hands with force and starts leaving the place.

Vegas stands there quite. Tankhun stops and turns from where he was.

"And Vegas I was not talking about your hands ..."


Vegas felt the words which were meant for his heart. He puts a hand on his chest and remembers how their heartbeats were the first beautiful chimes he ever heard.

How he kissed Pete. How he felt satisfied after that. How he wanted to hold Pete for more than an eternity. How Pete literally left a spell on him in a brief period of time.

Pete made his firsts so wonderful. First to kiss him with real affection, first to effect him, first to care for him and first to love him.

But what Vegas, himself had done? What about Pete's firsts. He tried to force on him. He returned Pete's love with equal hatred. He ruined Pete's memories for his first heat. Even the kiss was in his alcoholic state.

These might seem trifle but this was a source of someone's happiness. A dream and memories of getting loved, respected and welcomed.

The layer of Vegas' hatred was becoming thin and thinner in his heart but the pain was getting blazed up.

The thought of Pete lying about his loneliness. That he saved Vegas by lying that he isn't the truth behind his pain. This was a slap to Vegas.

This proved that Vegas might be the mighty King of Walur, infront of who everyone bows down in fear. The Alpha who wins every battle, lost to his mate because of his ego. Pete won with his honesty, accepting everything he was receiving in silence.


Vegas's POV

I enter my room. The first thing I look at, was Pete, he was sleeping in a small area of the huge bed. Looking so tiny and weak.

I lay down just next to him. His face on the other side. I gaze at my omega's face slightly from top, admiring his features and feeling a sense of warmth and affection. I felt a sense of awe, as if I was witnessing something magical and beautiful. I can't help but bring my hand closer to his face. As I touch his cheek softly .He flinches in his sleep. I quickly withdraw my hand back, afraid of scaring him again.

But he starts sobbing with his eyes closed. Tears falling from his eyes. My eyes widen at the damage I caused to him.

I can't help but pull his back towards my front. Spooning him carefully. His neck was in direct contact with my nose. His scent was of fluffy strawberries. I dip down more in order to inhale his scent. My nose quietly touches his scent gland. Pete's sobs stops and I felt him open his necks crook giving me space to smell him more.

I embrace him from behind, with my arms wrapped around him in a loose manner. I felt his body relax. He seemed in much peace.

"I promise, this is the last time you cry my little dove."


A/N: Little did Vegas know that our Pete is hard to get as well.

Now I will try to give some more fluffy moments of Vegas Pete. I also had enough with the angst LoL.

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