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This time if we part,then we may meet in the dreams.

The way dried flowers are found in books.


Vegas's P.O.V

My eyes blinked open at the cause of the harsh ray of sunlight. Every thing felt so good, waking up so energetically and the smell of rain and our scents lingering in the air. I've never felt so full of stamina in my life and it felt incredible. I began to move but paused, looking down at a very familiar pale body covered in so many hickeys, hair disheveled and my dick still buried in his ass with my cum oozing out.

I look at his fragile neck, spotting my mark on his neck.

Fuck... no!

Oh my God!! I marked him I fucking marked him in my rut!!! How I am gonna face him now... I-I didn't ask for his consent!! He will hate me... Oh goddess!! For sure he gonna hate me for marking him. I don't want this to happen. With so much ups and downs I finally got his trust and now again he is going hate me!

He must have been so scared!!

I stilled feeling him move in my embrace and moaning...MOANING!!!

Is He is still in heat?!!

I pull myself out of his warmth and feel him whine. He's back was facing me but as he turned around my heart stopped beating. Something I never experienced in my entire life.

He's beautiful.

His face tainted in pink and red cheeks. His eyes dense as well as calm. His scent mixed with mine. The most sexiest scent of...love?

He licked his lips, his eyes looking to my lips and back up my eyes, staring deep into them.

It was hypnotizing. Ravishingly hypnotizing.

A wave of shock travels through me when he suddenly straddles me by sitting on top of my stomach. His breathing still hitched and hot.

"Pete?", I whispered low as I start feeling getting hard.

"I am in my senses...",he said as if he is reading my thoughts.

But does he know that I marked him!? Without asking him or telling him! Did I hurt him and his feelings??

"I-I ma-mark--marked you!"

He froze in his place and I start feeling guilty. I lower my eyes to show him that I am sorry for what I did... If I had to beg I will again--


Laughing? Is he... is he really laughing!

My eyes snap at his face. As I see him laugh from the bottom of his heart. His eyes in thin line ,his cheeks high and his perfect teeth. I have never seen such a pretty laughter.

But why is he laughing??? Is he traumatised that I marked him!?

"Pete why are you laughing!?"

I roll my eyes when he starts laughing louder than before. Oh God I will die of guilt!!


"Okay okay I am sorry, your highness... But your face ....My goodness your face is so cute when scared...", he said while teasing me.


I growled playfully as I switch our positions by carefully straddling him under me. His laughter coming to an halt. As I could see his faint lust getting clearer.

I look deep in his eyes. He use his freed hand and run his fingers on my tattoo on the shoulder.

His focus was on my shoulder as he speaks...

"I felt like I was in between life and death. But it felt so right. I felt calm, relaxed , relieved, when I felt myself in your embrace this morning."

A wave of relief washing over me as he look back in my eyes. Calm and gentle.

"I begged you to mark me. Because you made me feel who I am. Made me believe in myself and yourself. Now I can proudly say that...I am Vegas' mate."

I begin leaning into his face, my body hovering over him with my arms caging him, "Say that again."

"I said , I am your mate, Vegas". He repeated so beautifully and when the name rolled off smoothly from his tongue, it made me attack his lips in a soft, slow and sensual kiss. The kiss felt so... different, we've kissed countless of times now but there was just something different to this. So much passion, devotion, affection... So much love.

I felt like I was rising into the sun just to get burned by his sweet love. His lower lips smooching gently into mine, my tongue entering urgently into his wet hot breath, swiftly capturing his moans that tried to escape. He guided my tongue with his and sucked on it with his lips and that action alone drove me wild.

So sinful.

"Pete... I swear...You're... You're so beautiful and sweet and wonderful...a-and sweet and..and... I-I... fuck! I don't know what to do again... I feel like I could die... Fuck shi-..."

He laughs again. Totally mesmerizing me into the depths of his beauty.

"And I fucking love your laugh!", I growl.

I trailed my fingertips across his nape, whispering into his ear and loving the feeling of touching him, "And this skin..."

"And these lips" He swallowed, face turning red as I blinked from his lips and stared into those eyes.

"You drive me fucking crazy Pete." I whispered staring into those eyes before smashing my lips on his, feeling every touch. He responded quickly, using his hands to hold my face in place as I pressed harder into the kiss.

It was rough and hot.

The hunger clearly displaying itself as I explored the depths of his mouth I've never before, his lips were felt so good as they moved against mine. Everything about him was so good. Sweet. I leaned on our bed, slightly hovering over him feeling my muscles flex as the force we emitted into the kiss made the bed creak.

I finally trailed my hands down his body, squeezing his waist and earning a whimper from him.

He moans silently into the kiss and it took everything in me not to touch him down there. I was afraid if he was still sore from last night. I don't wanna hurt him.

He bit on my lips and I pull back to see a wicked smirk on his face. I smile back and it seems he was too lost in it.

"I want you to Fuck me again...your highness."


A/N: They are so in love!! I love them for expressing there feelings. And Vegas, LoL he is so cute in this one!! Pete is getting more daring!

I hope you also enjoyed this fluffy extra.

-I will try to include both POVs for the next chapter.

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