Chapter 7

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"Come come come!!!", Tankhun's screeching voice could be heard throughout the hallways of the royalty as he lead the troop of the Omegas.

Pete who was just behind Tankhun was being pushed by the shy and gossiping Omegas.They all seemed to be friends and families from different Kingdoms.

'So he is the one for our king?' 'Is he from a nobel family?' 'He is in highness's robe!' 'He is fragile.' 'Did they already mate? ' ' Vegas is lucky.' 'What is his name?'

Pete could hear all the hush talkings going behind him.He decide to ignore them, instead he try to think at the positive side of this whole new story happening in his life.

After they crossed several hallways and gateways of the palace. Tankhun finally stopped infront of the  entrance of the huge 1 storey built structure which was situated at the backyard of the palace.

The building was looking like a creepy abandoned place.It was similar to a freshly made bun.Flat on bottom , open tomb at top.

Pete saw Porsche leaning on the big wooden door of the building.As he saw Pete he passed a small smile to him.Pete noticed a weird feeling in the smile which he received from Porsche.It was neither happy nor sad but pitiful.

Many questions erupting through the cores of Pete.He wanted to stop this all and go back in time and never come back.

He might said that he will make Vegas fall in love with him but he is completing to a man who killed his father.For whatever reason but he didn't hesitate to kill his own blood.

And Pete?

Who is Pete?

Pete is nothing. Nothing in standards, nothing in looks, nothing in this worldly race....who doesn't even exist.

Vegas might not even blink while killing him.

This is what Pete thought about himself. He made an assumption, a thinking. He drew a line of crimson red between his and Vegas's status.

He was snapped out of thoughts when he found Porsche standing infront of him actually bowing infront of him.

"Khun Pete please come inside. We have prepared everything for your first ceremony", Porsche said with a suppressed voice.

Pete who was in awe about the situation happening infront of him  didn't even know, how to react or response.

He felt the weight of the situation.His eyes starts secreting emotions by wetting them in tears.His head automatically starts shaking in denial.

He gathered some courage. Courage to fight for his words out. He was about to speak but was pulled by Tankhun.

"Let's take a look inside it! It's been long since we came here", Tankhun said while pulling Pete and signalling others to follow.

Pete saw Porsche slowly getting out of his sight. He lowered his eyes. He felt he made a mistake .A mistake which was unrecognised by himself.

As Pete went inside the plan circular building,the story was different.His eyes went open at the hidden beauty of this structure.

The whole building is made of
veranda around facing a big open pond at the middle. Projecting into the pond are many balconies. An aqueduct terminates in the pond.

The balconies are decorated with tiny windows and supported by lotus bud tipped brackets. The whole pool is open to the sky

Fragrant flowers and perfumed water filled this bathing pool. At one end of the veranda you can see a flight of steps giving access to the pool. The domical roof of veranda is a spectacle itself.

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