Chapter 19

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A/N: Oh my guys!!! You literally made me feel guilty for my notice in Extra 3. There are more comments than Votes!

I really panicked for making you all feel sad. Really it was not my intention, I was just sharing my point of view. I stated "if" shit happens then I will stop. But reading all your comments and the way you all are loyal to VegasPete, made me feel determined to keep on going.

I just wanna clear that I will complete the FFs no matter what. I promise so don't worry and enjoy. But you need to be very patience full with me because 'The Royalty' might go longer (in chapters) than I expected.

Happy reading!


Vegas enters the hall where the old omega physician was waiting for him.
She bows to Vegas and look at him with an side eye. Vegas glare at her and she quickly lower her eyes.


"Your highness, your mate is suffering from high fever due to his hormonal changes. He just had his first heat and that's why his body temperatures are fluctuating. But the main problem is that he is over stressed. His body is becoming weaker and weaker. He is in urgent need of his Alpha, which means means you. He needs you because your scent will work like a aid to him.

Your highness Khun Pete is an very sensitive omega. And a slight mistake can turn into a bigger trauma for him. Please be around him as much as possible. I gave him some herbs which will make him feel better"

Vegas was intently listening to the physician's speech. Trying to learn Pete's illness and it's cure. But both, the illness and the cure were coming from the same person, which means himself.

The physician bows and leave Vegas alone with his thoughts.


Meanwhile in the Kings room, Pete was sleeping peacefully after taking the medicine.

He was totally unaware of the entity standing and staring at his beauty.
The Alpha was eating Pete with his disgusted lust filled eyes.

He started touching Pete's hair and face. Moving his dirty fingers on Pete's pink lips and red cheeks. Pete was completely still due to the effect of the medicines. The Alpha smirk evilly at Pete's Innocence.

He bend down near Pete's face and whispers slowly with his heavy voice,
"You didn't recognised me yet...but I did and I will make sure to impregnate you with my and only my pups."

He chuckles and presses a bitter kiss on Pete's lips. But soon the sound of footsteps coming from the corridor sends a panick to him. He quickly withdraws himself away from the king's mate and run for the door to open it and get out but Vegas was the one who opened it first.

The Alpha quickly pales seeing Pete's Alpha. He trembled in fear but quickly covers it up and bow to pay respect to the King.

"Your Highness"


Vegas's P.O.V

I sigh and inhale a deep breath before heading towards my room. I should treat Pete well?... I will treat him well.
Even if I have to stay with him for 24 hours, I will. I will win him again, genuinely this time. Even if he hates me I will ask for his forgiveness for my sins and dirty torturous acts towards him.

As I open my room's door. I find my commander looking at me startled. He was sweating as if he's done a big crime and finally got caught. He quickly bows.

"Your highness."

"What are you doing here Kinn?", I ask already feeling agitated.

He stand properly before answering.

"Your highness, Nop wanted to go for a bathroom break that's why he ordered me to gaurd here for the meantime he's gone."

"That was not my question. I asked the room?"

"I um... I heard some... noise coming from inside, I got alerted and came to check but...everything looks good. I will beg my pardon for you to rest."

His voice was uncertain and laced with fear. He starts walking away with trembling eyes.

"Kinn", he froze at his place and looks at me frantically.

"Yes! Your highness"

"Be in your fucking limits!"

"Sorry if my act offended you, I beg for your forgiveness."

"Get out and never step inside this room!"

He nods and strides away looking shakened up. I tightly fist my hands to control my anger. I don't like the thought of Pete coming in contact with any other useless Alpha.

I close the door behind me and make my way to my sleeping little dove. I notice a small frown on his nose, I chuckle and lay beside him just like I did before.

He quickly faces my chest and intakes  a deep breath of my scent. He wrap his hand around my waist and put his head flushed against my chest, more specifically near my heart.

I could really feel a warm fuzzy feeling erupting in my heart. I sigh at his cuteness and gently start soothing his soft ,silky, fragranced hair. He sleeps again, relaxed in my arms.


Pete's P.O.V

I woke up to an familiar embrace. It was like a gentle, warm breeze on a summer day, enveloping me in its soft yet heavy, soothing scents and pheromones. It was like being wrapped in a cozy blanket, feeling the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders. It felt like a moment of pure comfort, where you can let go of all your worries and just be.

But as I open my eyes and look at the source of this warmth...fear crept through my veins. I felt myself going numb as I see my Alpha. He looked like he was in deep sleep. His face still so dominating and emotionless. I try to push myself away from him and his fake, hateful embrace, but he opens his eyes making me startled.

He smirks at me flirtingly? And hovers on top of me without giving me time to think. My eyes panick  with his actions.


Pete's eyes were filled with anticipation for what's coming next. He was afraid yet somewhere excited.
Vegas smile seeing Pete squirm underneath him.

He dips down and whispers softly near Pete's scent gland,

"Will you kiss me again?... just like you did in your drunken fit..."

Pete's eyes widens at the revelation.


The story aesthetic:

The story aesthetic:

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A/N: I really hate Kinn but we needed an evildoer for the story. I hope the story is not getting boring.

Tell me your thoughts for the next chapter.

*If this chapter crosses 100 votes I will surely update another chapter this week itself.

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