Chapter 15

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"You won my won...

You won but no one will lost like me...

My heart repents heartfully won't love again.

Tell me your highness...tell me...Tell me, What will be the penance?

Because I will never love you like I dreamed of..."

Pete's eyes flickers and he faints. His head falls into his mate's laps, calm and silent.Vegas was left speechless.

Vegas didn't hurt Pete. He murdered his soul. A soul, a heart and a mind which used to be optimistic in every difficult situations. A smile which never used to leave the sweet face of Pete, now is dissolved in searing pain.

He made Pete a person, who could never trust again . Everything in Pete's life is corrupted with fear .

Even anger and rage died, nothing is worth being angry over, it has no value. Vegas robbed Pete's ability to enjoy anything, due to the feeling of not wanting to build up another disappointment, it's easier to simply pass on anything potentially enjoyable because it could also turn painful as well. Love, hope, trust, loyalty, even friendship become lies, even hateful to a broken man. Pete is nothing but emptiness itself.


Sweat drenched Vegas. His closed lids were moving frantically. His head wrinkled in an ugly frown. His hands fluctuating, as he shots up from his sleep. Breathing heavily. Sweating profusely.

The same alluring white wolf, sucking horror in his sleep. These dreams are getting worse and worse day by day. The scene of the sad wolf vanishing away with only his heart left behind is painful.

This time Vegas was shocked, not because of the dream but the first person he thought about after waking up from his dream.



Pete's P.O.V

I woke up due to some rustling going near by me. I open my eyes and see an alpha setting a table of food. He was not wearing any royal clothes. He was in an attire of a commoner. He looked in his 50's, yet he was having a well maintained body. His face was expressionless but soft. When he notice me staring at him. He bow a little, "Khun Pete please freshen up and eat something. You will get weak, if you don't consume anything."

I sit up straight and find myself dressed in a light pink coloured robe. Still it's his room. I remember passing out but don't know who changed and even cleaned me up...
My cheeks blush in embarassment when I think about him changing my dress.

"Khun Pete are you fine? You are turning red"

I quickly bow to the person who is still here.

"Khub Khun I am fine... please may I know who are you?"

"My apology ,I didn't introduced myself. I am Nop, your highness's servant."

I nod my head. Something about this person gives a positive energy. He looks so experienced and well informed.

"Please don't call me 'Khun', you are elder then me Khun."

I could see him hesitating but soon he nods,"Khab...Pete"

I try to let out a smile but fail.

Nop looks at me sympathetically and bow before going out of the room.

I remove the sheets which were covering my body and try to stand up. As I stand up on my feets, I fall miserably. Every part of my body is paining. My legs and arms became weak and thin. I feel pathetic of myself.

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