Chapter 27

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Pete slowly woke from his slumber. As his mind cleared, memories of the passionate nights flooded back to him, causing a rosy blush to creep across his cheeks. He couldn't help but feel a sense of shyness as he recalled the boldness with which he had embraced there desires, letting go of all inhibitions. The mere thought of his mate, there bodies entwined, made his heart flutter and his cheeks burn brighter. A coy smile played upon his lips as he relished in the memory of their passionate embrace, cherishing the boldness that had brought them closer together.

But his brow frowns as he realized that his mate was not by his side. The warmth and comfort was strangely absent, leaving a void within him. A pang of anxiety shot through his heart, and he quickly sat up, scanning the room for any sign of his beloved.

His eyes darted around the disheveled sheets, desperately searching for a trace of his mate's presence. The emptiness in the bed beside him only deepened his worry, and he could feel a knot forming in the pit of his stomach.

Pete's mind raced with countless possibilities, each one more distressing than the last.

Pete's ears perked up at the sound of thrashing and heated voices echoing through the grand hall of the palace.

Throwing back the covers, Pete swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, his movements hurried and purposeful. He hastily threw on a robe, his fingers fumbling with the tie in his haste. Every passing moment without his mate felt like an eternity, and he could no longer bear the uncertainty.

With a sense of urgency, Pete hastily slipped into his  robe, its silky fabric cascading over his tall frame, providing a shield against the uncertainties that awaited him. As he descended the sweeping staircase, each step brought him closer to the chaos that unraveled below.

His heart pounded in his chest, matching the rhythm of the turmoil that had erupted. The dim light from the chandeliers cast eerie shadows as he moved, his delicate brilliance tainted by the whispers of distress that filled the air.

The cool marble beneath his bare feet provided a stark contrast to the weight of confusion that settled upon his shoulders.

The sight before him made time stand still, and a mixture of worry and despair cast a shadow over his usually bright eyes.

Once raged arguments were now turned into soft talks.

Pete couldn't believe his eyes as he saw his mate and another omega  engaged in each other arms as there life depends on that very embrace.Confusion and disbelief washed over Pete, causing his heart to sink. How could his mate do this? He wondered. Was their connection not strong enough?

Pushing aside his own discomfort, he approached the scene cautiously, not wanting to escalate the situation further. His limp reminded him of the vulnerability he felt hours ago, but he knew he needed to remain level-headed and calm. As he neared, he noticed the anguish in his mate's eyes.

He wanted to clarify the things he was seeing before him but he halts as he hear the words spoke by Vegas, his mate. Hits him like a gush of toxins.

Few minutes ago

As Tawan continued his frenzied rampage, hurling priceless artifacts and shattering delicate decor, Vegas, overwhelmed with dominance and annoyance, let out a fierce growl that reverberated through the hall.

"Stop it!"

With unwavering authority, Vegas commanded Tawan to stop, his voice laced with an unyielding power that demanded obedience. The chaos halted momentarily, the air thickening with tension as Tawan turned to face Vegas, their eyes locked in a fierce battle of wills.

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