Chapter 16

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A/N: I  published this chapter only because the last one was a cliffhanger,and I don't want my readers to lose interest.

I would also like to update that I will not be able to update for 2 weeks because I am having my schedule tests and I need to prepare for them.
But I will be back as soon as I'll be free.

Happy reading...


"What a sight..."

Vegas's voice was deep and sensual making Pete melt to his knees.Vegas take a good look, up and down on Pete's blushed self.

Pete wobbles here and there before reaching the threshold of the room where his dominant Alpha was standing with his domineering aura.

"Your highness..."

Pete suddenly stumbles and helds Vegas by his shoulders. Vegas's eyes widens as Pete's essence full  scent starts invading , mingling with his own .Alphas and Omegas who are mates, always go under a influence when they get some traces of eachother's scent.

Pete who is still gripping hard on his mate's shoulders , starts shaking his head which is hanging downwards. He chuckles and lift his face up.

His eyes were like a wide eyed baby deer, innocent, dreamy and cute. But it also have a dark side, like a baby deer who just watched their mother get shot. His eyes fixes with Vegas's.

Vegas' eyes were his most powerful weapon, intense and terrifying. It was as though he shot lasers through his pupils. It must have been both how dark, no color just a deep bottomless, soless hole. They were for the most part simply willowing and once met, left a person feeling threatened and vulnerable. Yet Pete's valour was on other level... maybe the alcohol it is. Because he courageously drowned in his Alpha's eyes.

There was no movement from both sides. Only a dense stare. Breaths meet, mingles and separates and all over again. It was such a powerful gesture. A compitition in which none of them wanted to lose.

Although Vegas loses it first and grabs Pete by his tiny waist pulling him so close against him that there was not even a gap of thin layer of air between them. Pete gasps heartily, his hands clinging on to Vegas' neck softly yet firmly.

Vegas' eyes which were having a hint of uncertainty , looks intently into Pete' drunk eyes. Before ravishing  his lips with Pete's.

Pete close his eyes with the warm  feeling of his mate's lips on his. Vegas who was shocked himself for having his first kiss with Pete, was now lost in the utter softness and loveliness of Pete's lips.

There thoughts like...'why did I do it?' 'What happened to me?' 'Is it still hurting?' 'Will he forgive me?' ' I should have not kissed him...' were crushed between the pair of lips with hot intensity.

In the starting both the inexperienced just pressed on eachother's lips but after sometime Vegas nibbles onto Pete's plum lip, earning a cute drunk whine. Vegas smirks as the scents were on the verge of blasting the whole palace.

In between all the little nibbling and sucking, Pete opens his mouth to breath in some air and Vegas slip his tongue inside, pulling Pete against his body even closer.The kiss was intense, deep, something so powerful.

Vegas move and back Pete into the wall as he take Pete' wrists which were on his neck. He pin them easily against the wall above his head,as they continue to kiss.

Vegas wanted to devour Pete, the lust was overwhelming, somthing different than what he's used to.
The way Pete tastes of alcohol and how warm and sweet his mouth small and petite his body feels against good it would feel to bury himself inside of Pete.

The lewd thinking comes to an halt when Vegas feel Pete tremble on his mouth. The taste of salt corrupting the sweetness of the kiss. Pete starts sobbing harder but didn't dare to pull away from the kiss. Vegas on the other hand, pulled back and rest his forehead against Pete's, trying to control his breathing but fail miserably.

"It's hurting.", Pete whispers gently. Lips swollen, face red with eyes closed and tears dripping away one by one. A purely Serene look.

Vegas also close his eyes and let the feeling settle inside his... a little softened heart.

Pete slowly bring his hand closer to his mate's face, gently almost feathery touching the skin of Vegas' cheek. He slid it down and glide his hand from Vegas' lips to his own. Still feeling the tingling sensation on his lips.

"Your highness... it's hurting's miserable...IT HURTS...IT HURTS!IT HURTS!!..."

Vegas growls making Pete go shut. Pete slid down against the wall and starts crying his hearts out. Vegas also crouch down and pull Pete in his embrace. Such lovely embrace that it will became hard to believe that he is the same ruthless, cruel Alpha...a cold hearted King .

Pete hides himself into his Mate's full hug and starts sobbing down softer and softer. After sometime he stops but Vegas still deny to leave him and tightens his hold around Pete.

The world suddenly felt uncivilized,unpopluted...empty. Only the heartbeats of the Alpha and Omega mate were chiming through quietness of darkness and tune of raindrops.


A/N: I am really delightful to see such great votings on my previous chapters. I hope that this continues.

Don't forget to leave your comments and votes and don't forget the story till the time I am gone.

Thankyou for reading


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