Chapter 33

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Pete groaned, his head throbbing with pain. Struggling to open his eyes, he found himself in a dimly lit room. The memories flooded back - a blunt force to his head. Panic set in as he realized his hands were tightly bound. As he attempted to rise, a sinister figure came into focus, sitting across from him with a menacing smirk.

Tears welled up in Pete's eyes as he recognized Kinn, and beside him, Arm, who was looking down at his feets, a hint of guilt visible on his face.

"Wh-why?" Pete stammered.

Kinn chuckled, the sound sending shivers down Pete's spine. "Why? Still, you're asking why?" he sneered.

Pete shook his head, his voice trembling, "Why me?"

Kinn's laughter ceased, his smirk turning into a serious, almost angry expression.

"What do you want from me? Why are you all this!?? Why?! Tell me? Whyyyyy!?"

"Because I chose you to be mine when you were still an unborn!"

Pete halted his futile struggle, frozen by Kinn's words.

Kinn's eyes welled with an unsettling mix of emotions as he continued with the same anger. "I chose you, Pete, when your mother was pregnant with you..."


Little Kinn was sitting on Anong's lap. An innocent curiosity sparked within him as he laid his small hand on Anong's bump.

Anong smiled, "You like it, Kinn? There's a baby in there."

Kinn's eyes brightened, "Really!?"

Anong nodded, and Kinn, still with his hand on the bump, declared, "I will also have many children."

This made Anong laugh but...

The innocent statement unknowingly sealed a twisted fate, making Kinn to enterwine his life with Pete in an unusual yet Curseful connection.

Flashback end

Kinn starts walking towards Pete.

I want you to conceive my children now. Because of you I am unable to get a happiness of a father.

Kinn hovers over Pete. Pete's eyes red, face swollen, world coming crashing down.

Kinn opens Pete's robe. His screams falling on deaf ears. Kinn was blinded by desire, pain, and emptiness. He came to this level because the earthly and heavenly forces came together forming an unbearable circumstances.

Pete somehow how freed his hands from the rope and pushed Kinn. He raise his hand and slapped him with full force, a scream of pain echoed in the room.

Arm quickly holds Pete back. Restricting his thrashing. Kinn' anger was now at its peak, with clenched jaws he was about to launch towards Pete...

When suddenly, Pete shouted,


The name made Kinn pause, and Pete gasped ,"Think about Porsche. He's your mate. Even if you can't give him a child, he still loves you. Don't do this to Porsche. Don't."

As Pete's words echoed in Kinn's mind, memories of Porsche's flooded his mind. He recalled how Porsche stood by him in the worst times, absorbed his frustrations, and worshipped him.

The weight of these memories bore down on Kinn, and he found himself unable to move forward with his previous actions. Overwhelmed with guilt and remorse, Kinn's eyes welled up with tears. The hand that was meant to force Pete trembled and dropped to his side. The realization of the pain he was about to inflict on Porsche, the one who had given up so much for him, pierced through Kinn's heart

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