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Pete's POV

The crowd already went back to their own business.

But the way he left me alone... It might seem trifle but it hurts. His gaze filled with hatred and rage towards me was sharper than a newly made dagger. Every inch of me pained. I don't know what I did wrong to go through something like this. Still I wish he loves me one day. A drop of his love will be a sea for me.

"You are my brother's mate. The maid from the kitchen?", I quickly wipe off tears from my face and turn around to the person who was speaking. The same smart, handsome personality who met me at the threshold of the kitchen. He is Prince Macua.

I immediately stance in a bowing position. "Khab Prince, I am his mate",I say with a heavy feeling settled in my heart. "Please don't bow...", his tone was soft and had a hint of warmth. I pull back from the bow only to see a broad friendly strech of smile on My Mate's brother face.

"You are so beautiful I guess phi is already head over heels for you."

I wish he would have seen this too.

"Don't worry you are a nice omega, he will eventually fall for you", I feel like a wave of hope washed over me. If his brother agrees to this... I am determined that he will definitely fall me.

I smile at him brightly. He nods and mix in the crowd.

I see Khun Tankhun walking towards me.

"You did great in tenra Pete! You left everyone speechless. I know you must be very drained so go in your room, change your clothes and get a sleep. I am busy with the people here."

I nod in a tiny bow and leave the ballroom.

While I was crossing the dead silent hallway. I felt as if someone is following me. I turn around to check.


Again I start walking towards my room and felt footsteps behind me. Scared I speed up without turning back. Just one turn Pete and you will reach your room. I try to console myself but as I take the last turn...


An Omega is leaning against my room's door. I saw him before also. In the ballroom. He was looking at My Mate the whole time he was there. His eyes were not admiring towards him but filled with possessiveness.


Author's POV

He is such a beautiful Omega. His skin is white as an ivory, glowing, flawless without doubt. His body is small and curvy, his face is round like a doll. He is like a snowflake: such enchanting looks. Breathtaking.

These were the thoughts of Pete when he looked at Tay . He felt nothing in looks infront of him. Although Tay's aura was beautified but his heart was painted in black for Pete. How could this mere Omega is the mate of such a godly personality like Vegas?

Vegas who Tay likes...loves...is obsessed with. How could this omega take his place!?

"So you are Khun Vegas's mate?", Tay says while shifting his weight from the door frame to his feet.

Pete quickly bows infront of Tay, "Do I know you respected Khun?"

Tay chuckles without bothering to answer Pete's question.

"I heard you live with Khun Vegas..... but seperately", Pete stands properly by now.

Tay moves closer to Pete. Pete slightly moves back. Tay's look was sharp and cunning. He pulls Pete closer by grabbing his fragile top. Tay uses his long sharp nails to tear open Pete's upper.

Pete gasps in horror, his eyes expanded in shock. Tay on the other hand is successful in tearing the shirt open from the front. Even after this he dares to feel Pete's now naked chest skin.

"Let go!", Pete shouts at Tay. He shoves him away. He try to close the messed up clothe with his shaking hands. Tay smirks.

"You're a virgin, Aren't you? I know because I have an eye for such things, you see."

Tay leans close to Pete's ear who stumbles back.

"A fellow who has never done it himself, how will he satisfy his mate?

You have no social background to speak or nor any foundation. I suppose this is what people mean when they speak of ill-bred pups."

Tay laughs sarcastically and leaves tearful Pete behind after saying his menaces.


A/N: Things aren't going great in my life. I am very exhausted and don't have time to write. Please bear with me for upcoming few weeks. I will try my level best to update.

Upcoming chapters are very typical to even write. So I will use this time and will try to produce my bestest quality work for my readers.

Please don't forget me!

Do vote this shorty extra alot.


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