Chapter 31

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Really sorry for delaying in updating!


Author's POV

Pete's heart pounded in his chest as he raced through the ornate corridors of the palace, his footsteps echoing off the grand marble floors. The urgency of his quest to find answers from Tankhun had consumed him, but in the midst of his haste, a sudden sight brought him to a sudden halt.

There, in the magnificent main hall of the palace, his mother stood bathed in the warm, golden light that streamed in through the grand windows. She was surrounded by his younger siblings, their innocent laughter and playful giggles filling the air. The sound seemed out of place amidst the chaos of the world outside.

Tears welled up in Pete's eyes as he gazed upon the familiar faces of his family, his mother's warm smile, and the way his siblings clung to her, seeking comfort in her embrace.

"Mother," Pete whispered, his voice catching in his throat. He took a step forward, his heart aching to hold her once again.

His mother turned, her eyes locking with his. A mixture of surprise, confusion and joy illuminated her face as she saw her eldest son standing there, alive. She reached out to him, her arms open wide.

Without a second thought, Pete ran to her, his feet carrying him as if on wings. He collided with his mother, their embrace a powerful reunion of love and longing. Pete sniffs, taking her mother's warmth in the form of her comforting scent. But her mother was confused after noticing a change in his son's scent but said nothing. His siblings, too young to understand the turmoil of the world, watched in awe as their older brother held their mother tightly.

Tears streamed down Pete's face as he whispered into his mother's ear, "I missed you Mother"

His mother held him close, her fingers running through his hair, soothing his fears.

"My Pety"

As Pete embraced his mother, the weight of the revelations pressed down on his shoulders. He knew he had to act quickly to take her to his chamber before the royal family noticed her sudden arrival.

He released his mother from their warm hug and bent down to kiss his younger siblings on the forehead. He scooped them into his arms and got up.

Pete then turned to his mother and nods towards her. "Come with me, mother," he said softly,

His heart pounded in his chest as he led his mother through the corridors of the castle. The flickering torchlight cast eerie shadows on the stone walls, and the silence of the grand hallways felt heavy with secrets. He knew he had to be cautious.

They reached Pete and his mate's room's door, heavily adorned with intricate carvings.

"Where are we going, Pete?" his mother asked, her voice filled with concern.

Pete took a deep breath, his fingers trembling slightly as he pushed open the door. "We're going to my chamber, Mother," he replied.

As they entered the room, his mother's eyes widened. "Pete, why are you wearing those royal clothes? Are you in trouble with the king?"

Pete couldn't avoid her gaze any longer. He took a step closer and said, "I need you to know, Mother. I am the King's mate."

His mother's expression changed in an instant, a mixture of shock and fear. "The King?" she whispered, her voice trembling. "But he's ruthless, Pete. What have you done?"

Pete looked into his mother's eyes, "He changed, Mother. He's changed for me, and he loves me."

Tears welled up in his mother's eyes as she tried to understand the truth of his words. The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the distant sounds of the castle.

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