Side Story - 3

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Pete luxuriated in the warm bath, contemplating his beautiful, round belly, now adorned with movements growing stronger by the day. As he carefully stepped out, supporting the weight with a hand, the fabric of his robe met his skin, triggering a wave of contractions. Moaning slightly, he realized these pains were unlike any before. With water trickling down his legs, he gasped, the realization hitting him: his water had broken. Panic surged as he hurried from the bathroom, disregarding his lower robe.

Glancing at the peacefully napping Vegas, Pete's panic rose with the increasing pain and reddening water. "Your highness... Your highness. It's time, I think," he managed, hoping for assistance.

Vegas stirred, mumbling in his sleep, "Yeah, it's time... to sleep," before resuming his snoring.

Frustration and agony mingled as Pete exclaimed, "Vegas!!! I am giving birth!!"

With a sudden awakening, Vegas's eyes shot open, taking in Pete's sweat-drenched face and the realization of the situation dawning on him.

Both men, in their own unique way, faced a situation entirely unfamiliar to them.

As Pete writhed in agony on the floor, the intensity of the pain becoming unbearable, Vegas sat on the bed frozen, his mind a blank canvas of shock. Pete's cries snapped him out of his stupor, and he met Pete's glare with wide eyes.

"Will you look at me forever or call someone for help!?" Pete's voice cut through the air.

Vegas's bubble of confusion burst, and he sprang into action, scooping Pete up and carefully placing him on the bed before darting towards the door. However, he halted abruptly, a look of dread crossing his face as he glanced back at Pete's legs.

"But you are naked beneath," he whispered, a tremor of fear in his voice.

Pete's gaze bore into him, a deadly glare that made Vegas gulp, a fear unlike any he had ever felt, especially coming from his own omega.

"Do you expect me to give birth in full clothes, idiot?!" Pete's words were sharp, laced with frustration.

Nervously, Vegas managed a strained smile before hurrying out of the room. Soon, he returned with a lady and some staff who specialized in delivering babies for the royal family. Relief washed over Pete as help arrived.

Pete couldn't help but notice that all the staff were elderly women, he let out a resigned sigh. Glancing at Vegas, who looked like a lost puppy in the corner, nervously gnawing on his nails, Pete shook his head in disbelief.

"Your highness," the lady attending to Pete called out to Vegas.

With a look of desperation, Vegas rushed to her side, his expression on the verge of tears.

"Release your pheromones and hold Khun Pete. And please, Khun Pete, push. Push with all your strength," the lady instructed, her voice firm and reassuring.

As Vegas took Pete's hand in his, Pete couldn't help but furrow his brow when he felt Vegas trembling more than himself.

"P-push, Khun Pete. Push!" the lady urged.

With a guttural cry of pain, Pete pushed, the intensity of the sensation overwhelming him.

"Aarghhh...," Pete shouted, the agony coursing through him.

"Aaaaaa!!! Pete!" Vegas's unexpected shout echoed after Pete's, startling everyone in the room.

Pete snapped his head to look at Vegas, even the lady pausing to glance at him, while the staff stood stunned by his outburst.

Clearing his throat, Vegas locked eyes with Pete. "Push, Pete! You can do it! I know..."

With a collective exhale, everyone returned to their positions, the tense drama continuing as Pete endured the waves of pain.

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