Chapter 24

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A/N: My guys! Firstly, I wanna thank you all for voting and commenting generously (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡.

I am really happy to see that every chapter is crossing 100 votes. It means alot ^⁠_⁠^.

Enjoy reading!

It had been two days since Pete and Vegas shared that unexpected and passionate kiss, an intense moment that had left Pete's mind in turmoil. Despite the intoxicating connection they had experienced, Pete found himself once again lost in a sea of contemplation. Doubts and uncertainties swirled within him, clouding his thoughts and leaving him with a multitude of questions that begged for answers.

One such question plagued Pete's mind relentlessly: Would Vegas hurt him again? Although their encounter had been filled with undeniable chemistry, Pete couldn't shake the painful memories of their tumultuous past. The scars from their previous relationship still lingered, a constant reminder of the heartache and disappointment he had endured. The fear of history repeating itself weighed heavily on Pete's heart.

But amidst the doubt, there was a glimmer of optimism. Pete wondered, almost hesitantly, if Vegas would treat him differently this time around.

He couldn't help but picture a future with Vegas in it, one filled with laughter, shared dreams, and a love that transcended the pain they had both experienced. Pete yearned for reassurance, for a sign that they were on a path towards building something beautiful together.

As Pete glanced at the ornate furniture adorned with intricate carvings and gilded accents, a kaleidoscope of conflicting thoughts danced within his consciousness. The room's regal aura seemed to mirror the inner turmoil Pete felt, trapped in a labyrinth of uncertainties.

His fingers grazed the plush velvet fabric of there bed, evoking memories of his hasty forgiveness towards his mate.

He hastily abandoned the room, his heartbeat thrumming with an urgent desire to find clarity.

Racing through the corridors with a single-minded determination, Pete traversed the palace's grounds, oblivious to the world around him.

Yet, fate had a treacherous card to play, for as he hurriedly crossed the threshold of the library, an unexpected hand emerged from the shadows, snatching him away in an instant.

Caught off guard and abruptly silenced, Pete's breath hitched, replaced by a surge of anxiety that electrified his senses. It was Kinn, the perpetrator of his worst fears, who had ensnared him with a firm grip and muffled his voice, extinguishing any hope of escaping his dangerous clutches.

Pete's senses were instantly overwhelmed by a paralyzing numbness and gripping fear as Kinn brazenly invaded his personal space. The invasive act of Kinn breathing on Pete's scent gland and swirling his tongue on his vulnerable neck sent shivers down Pete's spine. In this terrifying moment, Pete's thoughts instinctively turned to his mate, Vegas, the one person who represented safety and solace amidst chaos.

Overwhelmed by a rush of emotions, Pete found himself unable to hold back his tears. They cascaded down his face, betraying the vulnerability that Kinn had so callously exploited. And as if relishing in Pete's agony, Kinn wore an evil, sadistic smile that cut through Pete's already shattered composure.

In this intense moment, time seemed to momentarily freeze, trapping Pete within a whirlpool of conflicting emotions.

As panic and terror mingled with an undercurrent of despair, Pete's fragile resolve began to crumble beneath the weight of his tumultuous journey. The ensuing chaos within his mind became unbearable, sending him spiraling towards an abyss of darkness. Colors and shapes melded together, forming an indistinguishable blur, as his consciousness surrendered to the overwhelming combination of dread and confusion.

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