Chapter 29

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A/N: Missed me? Because I missed you all alot!!

Enjoy reading!


The small hut's room was filled with tension and the sound of Dao's labored breaths. Anong stood by her side, holding her hand tightly, offering her comfort and support during the most painful moments of her life.

Dao's face was etched with both determination and pain as she pushed with all her might, tears streaming down her face. The older women of the village rushed around the room, preparing for the arrival of their baby.

"You're doing amazing, Dao," Anong whispered, her voice filled with admiration. "Just a little more, my friend. I'm right here with you."

Dao gave a weak smile, her grip on Anong's hand tightening. "I...I can't...Anong, please...take care of him. Promise me."

Tears welled up in Anong's eyes as she saw the fear and uncertainty in Dao's face. She leaned in closer, her voice trembling with emotion. "I promise, Dao. I will love him and protect him with all my heart. You have my word."

Just then, a cry filled the room, and the eldest woman held up a tiny, wriggling bundle in their arms. Anong's eyes filled with both awe and sorrow, as she witnessed the bittersweet moment of bringing a life into the world while losing a blessing in her life.

"I... I wish you were here to see this, Dao," Anong choked out, her voice barely audible. "Baby boy...he's beautiful. Just like you."

Dao's breaths grew shallower, her strength fading. With the little energy she had left, she reached out her hand weakly, touching her baby's cheek. "Take good care of him, Anong..."

Tears streaming down her face, Anong nodded, her voice filled with emotion. "I promise, Dao. I will keep him as if he's one of my children."

As Dao's eyes closed, a profound silence settled over the room. Anong held her baby close, cradling him gently, her heart heavy with grief but also filled with a sense of determination. She would honor Dao's last wish and raise her child with all the love and care in the world.

Because Dao was the only reason she was able to conceive children...blessed children.

Flashback ends


In the cozy, candlelit bedroom, King Vegas stood by the side of the bed, gazing lovingly at his slumbering mate, Pete. Pete's peaceful face filled Vegas's heart with warmth and adoration.

Unable to resist the urge to touch, Vegas gently brushed his fingertips across Pete's soft cheek. The tender caress caused Pete to stir, his eyes fluttering open to meet Vegas's loving gaze.

"Pete," Vegas whispered softly, his voice filled with affection.

Pete blinks his eyes sleepily before focusing on Vegas.


A smile gradually curved his lips as he gazed upon his handsome companion. But soon something flickers in his mind.

As Pete's smile faded, Vegas sensed his partner's unease. Pete's expression changed, his eyes clouded with memories of last night. He remembered how Vegas had boldly challenged Tawan for a war.

With concern in his voice, Vegas caressed Pete's hand, reassuring him. "Don't worry. Everything will be alright."

When Pete did not say anything. Vegas sighed and kisses his forehead.

"Look at me Pete"

"Vegas,I don't know if I can do this. I'm scared."

Vegas gently grabs Pete's hand and takes a deep breath. Pete's eyebrows furrow, confused as he feel his hand being guided. But he gasps as Vegas places it on the mating mark he left on him.

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