Chapter 23

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Expect the unexpected.


Vegas was ready to pound his feet upon Tay's neck and was at the verge of snapping his fragile neck.

"No! don't do it, your highness! please!!"

Vegas' burning gaze completely extinguishing at his Mate's floral yet feared voice.

Pete, who had been watching the scene unfold from a distance, quickly leaped into action. With his heart pounding and adrenaline rushing through his veins, he sprinted towards Vegas and Tay, desperate to stop the impending tragedy.

As he reached them, Pete's voice trembled with urgency. "Your highness, please! Don't do this!" , he pleaded, his voice laced with a mix of fear and determination.

Vegas, momentarily distracted by Pete's unexpected intervention, hesitated for a fraction of a second. His foot on Tay's neck loosened ever so slightly, allowing him a brief gasp of air.

Pete seized the opportunity, swiftly moving in closer.

"Pete, stand back!" Vegas snarled, his voice filled with a combination of anger and desperation. But Pete looked at him pleadingly.

Tay, though frightened and struggling to recover his breath, found his voice once more. "Vegas, please, listen! This isn't who you are, and don't let this mere person manipulate you," he implored, his words carrying a mix of anguish and unwavering love for Vegas.

Vegas' face is twisted with a powerful rage, as his foot again grip for  constricting Tay's breathing. Fear and panic emanate from Tay's eyes as he struggles to free himself, realizing the life-threatening predicament he is in.

In the courtroom, tensions run high as Vegas, a burly and agitated Alpha, was blurred with anger.

Just as the situation seems unbearable, Pete, a timid and anxious Mate. With trembling body and hands, musters up the courage to reach out and grab Vegas' tightly clenched foot which was on Tay's neck. Freezing him in his tracks.

Their eyes meet, and in this silent exchange, Pete beseeches Vegas to reconsider his violent intentions. There is a flicker of vulnerability amidst the seething anger in Vegas' eyes. Pete's staring gaze conveys a profound message. The room brims with intensity as their unspoken conversation unfolds.

But despite Pete's powerful plea, Vegas is still entrapped by his overwhelming rage. Snapping back to reality, Vegas's face contorts with renewed fury. His foot digs deeper on Tay's throat , causing Tay's desperate gasps for air to intensify. Driven by an uncontrollable rage, Vegas, with a primal roar, step down from the whore's neck and drags Pete forcefully towards their room.


Vegas, consumed by anger and frustration, forcefully pulled Pete into their room. As the doors slam shut behind them. The air crackled with tension as he locked eyes with Pete, his gaze filled with a mixture of indescribable emotions.

Pheromones of the dominant Alpha King making hard for Pete to breath. Pete's scent and pheromones heightens at the loudness of his mate's distressed pheromones.

Vegas push Pete on the wall just parallel of the room's door.

With a hella heavy voice, Vegas unleashed his pent-up emotions. "How dare you save him! You had no right to interfere," he growled angrily. Each word was laced with a venom that echoed through the room.

Pete, taken aback by Vegas' intense fury, felt the weight of his words pierce through his heart. Despite the onslaught, he stood his ground, refusing to again cower in fear. He looked into Vegas' eyes, his own filled with a mix of plead and determination.

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