Chapter 5

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Pete's P.O.V

Pain radiated through my lower body with just the slightest movement, and my body felt like it was falling apart. Bruises and marks from all the forcing and mistreatment permeated through almost every single part of my body. I slowly opened my eyes from the nightmare. My blurry vision began to focus on the light that passed through the white curtains. I started recalling everything that happened in my brain. Images flowed back in, as if reinforcing my feelings of suffering now more than ever. Please, let this all not be true. I wish it was only a dream... Can it be just like that, please?

My Mate

My Alpha

My destined partner

Tried to force himself on me.

I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth from the sharp pain I felt in my Naked body's part.I try getting up but my weak body miserably failed me.

This pain is nothing infront of my pained wounded heart.I never did wrong to anyone.Even never ever thought any bad to others.So Why this cruel fate happening to me?

Does he hate me so much?

This Mate Fate is beyond our hold.Its not like I chose him to be my mate.Yet he took his anger on me.

Anyways I am delighted that my goddess chose him to be my mate.I am thankful even if he doesn't love me.I believe in my goddess so much because I know she test only her close ones.I will take this as a test and will go through this without any complains.

I still have hope that he will love me because I will love him even if it burns and hurts.I will not give upon my mate.Fates are already in written in the holy books made in heaven.This is a pure and blissful connection and I will try my best to work this out.

I was in deep sea of thoughts. A sudden contact makes me startled.I could feel something spiny moving near my Naked chest under the blanket.I quickly remove the blanket.Sitting up out of defence.

I smile as I see a small white chubby Hegdehog.He was smelling my scent.I gently pick him up while pulling it closer to my chest to let him feel a sense of security.

I know that these tiny mammals are very keen to scents and security.They are very good pets .They even help in realising stress and make you happy with there stupid acts.

This baby hogie with spiky but soft quills and furry tummy is so cute.He is really healthy.

"Hi sunshine,you are my mate's pet?", I asked in my baby voice.The hedgehog squealed as if replying.
I laughed at his cute response.

I talked to him and laughed at his hilarious noises.His beautiful grey snowflake spines made him different from other hedgehog. I even named him after his special trait, Mr.Dusty.

While playing with mr.dusty I start sensing pheromones and scent.My Alpha is near.The thought itself made my spine shiver in fear.

I quickly look around the room which was dripping with luxuries.I try to find something to cover me.Suddenly my eyes went to a  black robe kept on the chair across the bed .I keep mr.dusty aside and got out of the bed ignoring my body pain .

The robe was made of rich silk and was tainted in Alpha's scent.My Alpha's scent. I slide the 'out of my league' cloth on my bare body .I melt right away at the feeling of the texture of the robe on my skin.At first place I didn't even want to touch this but when I saw my maid clothes lying on the floor torn  apart I got no other option.

I can't take a risk of being naked infront of my Mate.

My thoughts went blank as the room's door opens and The King of Walur walks in and closes the door behind.
This is the first time I saw him in the eyes since I entered his premises.

My cheeks heat up as I notice him only in his lowers.He was not wearing any upper cloth.

I bit my lower lip in nervousness when I saw muscular zig-zagging furrows over his abdominal region.

He has tattoos covering both of his heavy veiny hands, dark brown eyes and hair, plump pink lips and a jawline sharp enough to cut my patience.

His shoulder is having a cut which is untreated and have dried blood.I hiss in pain as I see his injury.I don't know what got into me,I carefully stride towards him .He is releasing heavy amounts of his pheromones which is making me feel fizzy.I ignore them and enter his personal space.I hold his hand slowly.My soul crying to me to run away from this dangerous dominant being.

As I do so, I felt his tough skin under my soft grip.I don't even have the courage to look him in the eyes.I start pulling him near the edge of the bed and make him sit there.

I was surprised to see that he is letting me handle him without saying anything.This feeling was relieving at the same time anxious.

I take one of the ripped piece of  cloth from my uniform and dip it in the jar of water which was kept at the side of the bed.

I start cleaning his wound carefully.He didn't even shift from his place while I was doing so.He was painfully quite and calm.I try to focus only on his wound but when I felt his intense stare on me I looked at his face.

My eyes widened in shock as everything happened so fast.I was on the bed with him on top of me, his hands caging me from both sides.

He looks at me intently,his pheromones taking over my senses.I start feeling hot.He starts lowering his face.Fear start crawling within me.Memories of him forcing me starts playing like a nerve wrecking horror scene.

My eyes starts pouring out fear in the form of tears.His breath fanning on my face.His threatening aura engulfing me.

I close my eyes and put my hand on his chest in a worth less try to stop him.

"So-sorry pl-ple-please don't hurt me.....",I mumble while stuttering.

I heard him growl near my neck then felt him getting away from me and going out of the room once again.

I open my blurry eyes and sigh in relief.I get up and sit on the edge of the bed.I feel useless and unworthy.I am no good for my mate because I don't even exist in this insanely rich place. I am afraid of him. I am afraid of my fate.


I turn to look at the man screaming from the entrance of the room.He was wearing dazzling clothes which almost blinded me.

He came inside and start squishing my cheeks. Behind him followed many Omegas giggling and chating while eyeing me.

"Oh my you are gorgeous.We will get along very well hehehe.I am so excited to do different ceremonies with you as you are the destined mate of the King of Walur!!!"

I smile at him nervously, I was not ready for something like this.

"Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself.I am Vegas's maternal uncle.....Tankhun."


A/N: I am really sorry for late update.I am caught up in many things right now. Anyways.....Guys Tankhun is here!!

I would also like to inform that after somedays my summer vacation will be over and my school will reopen.It means I am going to be busy after sometime and will have very less time for writing and updating.

I will try my level best to be as productive as I could.

I hope you understand.

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