Side Story - 2

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Pete wakes up, feeling something wet on his face. He squints his eyes to see Vegas kissing his cheeks, or rather, devouring them with affection. Pete chuckles, not accustomed to this level of clinginess from Vegas.

"Your highness?" Pete laughs, feeling his cheeks tickle from the constant kisses.

Vegas smiles, looking at Pete wholeheartedly.

"Time to wake up," Vegas whispers in Pete's ear, "little dove, get up now."

Pete gazes at Vegas, his smile widening, even though he's not used to this side of Vegas, he absolutely loves it.

Pete suddenly pulls Vegas by his neck, urging him to lay next to him.

Vegas seems a little taken aback.

"Oh my my, looks like someone gained strength," Vegas says, embracing Pete.

Pete shakes his head, feeling content with Vegas. "It's really warm... everything is good. After everything, this cozy feeling is worth it."

"Sleep with me, your highness," Pete suggests.

Vegas nods slightly, resting his head on Pete's chest, resembling a small kitten.


Vegas stands near the horse carriage, waiting for Pete. He smiles upon seeing Pete waddling towards him. Pete is adorned in a beautiful royal golden and red-colored robe, perfectly matching and blending with Vegas' blue and golden robe. Vegas grins at Pete's red, chubby cheeks, appreciating how pregnancy has added to his mate's adorable state.

As Pete stands in front of Vegas, unsure of what to do, he meets Vegas' gaze. Vegas, with his hands behind his back, simply stares at Pete. Feeling shy, Pete avert his gaze.

Vegas gently tucks some stray hair strands falling on Pete's face behind his ears, intentionally letting his fingers slide down Pete's neck, making Pete even shyer than before. Leaning in, Vegas whispers softly in Pete's ear, "you look eatable."

Startled, Pete snaps his head to look at Vegas, completely flustered and embarrassed by Vegas' playful teasing. Vegas smirks at Pete's reaction before entering the carriage first. He extends a hand to Pete, who hesitantly takes hold of it, feeling supported as Vegas helps him into the carriage.

Once inside, they sit face to face in the opaque carriage, shielding them from prying eyes. As the carriage begins to move, Pete asks Vegas, "Where are we going?"

Vegas takes Pete's hands in his own, reassuringly saying, "You'll know soon and I know you'll love it. Just have a little patience, love."

Pete nods, stealing glances outside the little window, while Vegas continues to gaze only at Pete's face with adoration.

10 minutes...20 minutes...30minutes...

Time passes but Vegas' gaze doesn't move from Pete's face. Pete sighs, matching his eyes with Vegas'.

"You gonna bore craters on my face, if you keep staring at me like this."

Vegas's eyes darkens, as he clench his jaw lightly.

"Fuck it..."

Unable to take another second of this, Vegas cupped the back of Pete's neck, closed the space between, and crushed his lips to Pete's.

Moaning into Vegas' mouth, Pete's hands moved to the front of Vegas' groin, fingers knotting in the fabric as he tugged and pulled and encouraged Vegas to come closer.

Ah, fuck.

Capturing Pete's hands , Vegas repressed every fucked-up urge inside of him and just kissed Pete back, desperately trying to keep his cool and not push for too much. All he wanted to do was pick him up and wrap his body around his, make a better angle for himself, but he couldn't do any of that.

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