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A/N: A mammoth my guys...

A/N: A mammoth my guys

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"Don't move little dove... there's an enraged mammoth right behind you..."

Pete was like a deer caught in headlights, frozen in fear as he realized the danger lurking behind him. His eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat as the realization set in that they were not alone in the wilderness. He knew he had to act fast if he wanted them to survive but he couldn't focus on anything ,other than Vegas's eyes, which were already set on his.

An angry mammoth is a fearsome sight.

Its eyes burn with a fierce intensity. Massive tusks bared in a show of aggression and trunk raised high in the air, trumpeting its displeasure with a deafening roar. With each step, the ground shook, as if the mammoth's very presence is enough to cause an earthquake. Its shaggy fur were looking like they were melting in the rain, giving it an even more imposing appearance.

Wild Mammoths were the most powerful and to be afraid of gaints in the kingdoms. They were trained from an early age to be a part of the Army for big wars, but a wild and angry mammoth was something impressive.

Vegas, although he was a King, an alpha, amazingly Dominant but...
Nature is a powerful force that can rumble even the most dominant of individuals.

No matter how strong or powerful we may feel, we are still subject to the whims of the natural world. Nature has the ability to remind us of our own mortality and our place in the world.

The mammoth starts coming closer and closer! Pete' heartbeat increasing against Vegas' calm control heart.

Vegas loose the grip on Pete, making Pete go all in for an anxiety. Pete was totally confused when Vegas grin while looking directly into his face. Taking a step back.

Pete felt like he was standing on thin ice, waiting for it to crack and send him plunging into the icy water below. The feeling of betrayal was all-consuming, like a dark cloud hanging over his head, threatening to burst at any moment. He had been here before, had felt this same sense of impending doom, and yet he couldn't shake the feeling that he was about to be let down once again. It was like a knife twisting in his gut, a constant reminder that he was vulnerable and exposed, and that he couldn't trust anyone but himself.

Vegas knew what Pete was thinking or misinterpreting. As he look at Pete for the last time with the most deep connection of sincerity. He release his pheromones sending a sudden sense of relief over Pete. A relief telling Pete that Vegas will make everything right.

Vegas knew that he has been given a second chance, and this time he was determined not to let it go to waste. He had made mistakes in the past, had taken the life of his precious mate for granted, had hurt him brutally .But now, he has been given another chance, a chance to make things right
A chance to win Pete again .

And he was not going to squander it. Vegas was compassionate to seize every opportunity, take every risk, and live every moment with passion and purpose.

With this thought Vegas again took a step back.

"I promise I won't let anyone hurt you Pete..."

Pete was filled with awe and pride.
As he knew that he is witnessing something truly special.

The transformation was both beautiful and terrifying to behold.

Vegas's body began to writhe and twist, his skin stretching and contorting as it changed into fur. His bones cracked and shifted, elongating and reshaping themselves into a new form. And then, with a final, guttural howl, the transformation was complete. Vegas was no longer a person - he had become a magnificent black wolf. His fur shimmering in the clouded moonlight. Eyes were fierce and intelligent. Teeth sharp and deadly. He stood there for a moment, taking in his new form - his werewolf self , feeling the power and strength that coursed through his body. And then, with a burst of energy, he took off for a battle with thy mammoth.

Because now... nature can destroy nature.


A/N: Khun Vegas turned into his wolf form to save Pete!! But will he get successful!?

My guys!! Do you want another chapter this week ??

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