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We really need to say goodbye to The Affair because first of all, I am not on ao3 and secondly and most importantly I lost all its drafts which means I myself don't have the chapters or any other second copy of them. I was equally sad about it but...

Cheer Up!!

I turned my other draft/storyline into a new story very similar to The Affair.

I turned my other draft/storyline into a new story very similar to The Affair

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Check it out in my account. It's already been uploaded!!

I heartily thank AlilSunShInEee for making the cover page at a very short notice and even helping me with revising the chapter. I luv you!

Now I hope you are not sad as before. My guys are too persistent...I could literally imagine your doe/puppy eyes while reading your comments. I don't want you'll to be sad.

I will try my level best to update The Royalty by Thursday because I am out of energy LoL.

And please don't worry! sometimes things happen for good.(You should be consoling me but I am the one whose consoling you'll LMAO!)

Don't forget to vote and comment!!



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