Chapter 28

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A/N: This chapter might be confusing because there are many shifts in emotions. Pete went through alot...first Vegas and then Kinn. So I tried to bring much more emotions in this one.

Enjoy reading!


Kinn manipulates Pete's vulnerability and exploits his shattered state of mind for his own twisted satisfaction.
And as he sense someone coming he leaves Pete numb and cold on the bed.

Vegas quickly ascended the staircase, his heart growing heavier with each step. He wanted to see Pete right now. He wants to clear everything as soon as possible. He fumble open their room's door. As he opens it his gaze fell upon Pete, lying motionless on the lavish royal bed. There was a lack of expression on Pete's face, a brokenness that tugged at Vegas' heartstrings.

Taking small, cautious steps towards Pete, Vegas uttered his name softly, his voice laden with guilt and remorse. "Pete," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath. "I'm so sorry..."

Pete's eyes flickered at Vegas' voice, and a glimmer of recognition shone through the pain. "Vegas..." he rasped, his voice filled with anguish.

Vegas knelt beside Pete's bed, "I've let you down so many times. I've failed you." tears welling up in Pete's eyes. when Vegas admitted brokenly.

Tears streamed down Pete's face as he pleaded, "Please, hold me."

Flooded with a mixture of conflicting emotions - guilt, remorse, and confusion- Vegas silently closed the gap between them. He carefully lowered himself onto the bed, his arms instinctively reaching out to enfold Pete in a gentle embrace.

The anguish in Pete's cries reverberated through Vegas, driving him to hold Pete tighter, as if trying to absorb the pain and sorrow that had engulfed his Omega. "I'm here now, Pete," Vegas whispered. "I am sorry."

Pete hesitated, feeling a surge of uncertainty. He couldn't bring himself to enlighten Vegas with the knowledge of Kinn's tortures and threats against his family. Instead, he decided to protect them on his own.

He let out a sob, clinging onto Vegas desperately. "Please, Vegas... I need you. I can't do this alone. Help me."

As their bodies intertwined, Vegas's mind raced, consumed by thoughts of redemption. "I will, Pete," he vowed, his voice filled with determination.

Caressing Pete's tear-stained cheek, Vegas whispered words of solace and reassurance.

Vegas' sentences rewinds in Pete's head on repeat when he found himself gathering back.

"Tawan, you are the one I truly cherish. The other person is simply a facade, a mere name in my life. You are the one who holds my heart."...

"His presence does not diminish the depth of my love for you."...

Pete breaks free from Vegas' embrace, making him even more confuse. Pete wipes his tears, get down from the bed and stand infront of the window.

Vegas also come and stand behind Pete. Not knowing what to say or do next. But Pete breaks the silence first.

"You told me I am beautiful, pretty also that you love my lips, skin, laugh... everything ," Pete whispered, his voice trembling with anger and hurt. He turns back.

They stood facing each other, their eyes locked in a battle of emotions. Vegas could see the devastation etched on Pete's face, and it tore him apart. He had never wanted to hurt this person...

"You said to me that you will never let me cry ?!!"

Vegas reached out to touch Pete's arm, his voice filled with regret. "I know, Pete, and I am so sorry. I never wanted any of this to happen. I never wanted to hurt you."

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